winter nights

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    The snow flurries by your window, blanketing the world in white. The air is bitingly cold outside, a frigid wind sweeping through, but the flames dancing merrily inside your fireplace pervade your home with soothing warmth. A steaming mug of apple cider sits on the table in front of you, half-finished. The sofa creaks softly as you recline, relaxing in the delicate light of the moon and stars.

    A quiet mewl pulls you from your drifting thoughts, and you look down to find your cat regarding you curiously, before jumping up into your lap. You smile. She was always an attention hog, and now is no exception. You gently run your hand along her head and down her back, before settling into a more comfortable position. The snowflakes swirling aimlessly through the air outside whisper mysterious words to your ears, the wind rattling your window panes, the crackling of the fire providing a cozy ambience.

    Reaching for your drink, you bring it to your lips for a sip, taking your time to simply bask in the present. Your cat curls up on your legs, a fluffy pillow of heat gracing you with her presence.

    Life can be hard, life can be complicated, life can be noisy and colorful and busy, but...

    Sometimes those simple moments are enjoyed with just a cat and peaceful silence.

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