stormy mornings

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    You wake to a crack of booming thunder. You don't jolt or startle, though; the sound is soft and distant. Through your sleepy haze, you can hear the sound of wind roaring as it tears through the trees and rain snapping as it whips through the air, creating a rustling sound as it pelts your window screens.

    Suddenly, you remember that you'd left the window in the bathroom open to let in fresh air, and hurriedly stumble out of bed to go close it. When you come back, you crawl back into bed and try to go back to sleep. Pulling a pillow over your head and turning on your side, you slide deeper under the covers in an attempt to return to dreamland. It's semi-successful; for the next... unknown span of time — maybe an hour or two if you had to guess  you slip between several blurry states of consciousness, falling asleep and blearily opening your eyes again before closing them once more.

    Finally, your alarm goes off. You groan, half-heartedly snuggling under the sheets before forcing yourself to sit up and get out of bed. Looking out the windows, you can see that the air outside is washed white with torrential rain, wind blowing so hard that the trees sway and the sheets of rain fall sideways. As you drag yourself into the bathroom, you glance at the window, seeing that the glass is sprayed with miniscule droplets from where the rain had gotten through the screen. It's a good thing you closed it, then. The floor could be sopping wet if you hadn't.

    By the time you finish brushing your teeth, the wind outside has died down, enough so that the trees aren't waving around anymore and the rain is falling straight down. You realize that you haven't heard thunder in a while and wonder when it had stopped. The weather outside is a lot quieter than the deafening white noise it was when you first woke up. Maybe it's because the wind calmed down, or maybe you just got used to it.

    As you trudge downstairs to dig around the pantry for some breakfast, the wind picks up again. It's blowing the rain sideways in short bursts, making it almost look like a fine mist. You dump some cereal in a bowl without pouring milk on top, carrying it and a spoon back upstairs and setting it on your desk next to your laptop. After opening the laptop and plugging in a set of headphones, you start playing some background music as you lean back and begin eating the cereal.

    Maybe you'll study a bit later... but, meh, not now. For now, you'll just chill in your little personal bubble of lofi and dry Cheerios.

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