Chapter 1: Heartbreak?

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A/N: Before we start I have to say here that there is a trigger warning at the end of this chapter!

Joey sat on a seat on waiting for his bus. The 17 year old was excited to start his training! Joey has been waiting for this moment for months! Not only will he be able to skate a long side some of the greatest skaters in the world, but he's going to be coached by the same man who coaches THE Yuri Plisetsky and THE Victor Nikiforov!

To pass the time he scrolled through Instagram, liking and commenting on some  posts. One of the posts in particular caught Joey's eye. It seems Yuri posted a photo of him in a new tiger shirt. 'Heh, he's such a cutie!' Joey noticed the geo tag and decided to comment on the photo.

 'Heh, he's such a cutie!' Joey noticed the geo tag and decided to comment on the photo

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Joey squealed cutely and hugged his phone, Day dreaming about Yurio

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Joey squealed cutely and hugged his phone, Day dreaming about Yurio. Before long the bus finally came and he hopped on before tapping his bus card. He found a seat and plugged in his air pods.

-Later, At the rink-

Walking through the entrance, Joey had told the lady at the desk who he was and lugged his bag to the main rink, then walked to the bleachers. Joey then set his bag down before walking up to the barrier on of the rink and watched as a young woman with auburn hair skated gracefully across the ice. She did a lutz followed by an axel. He heard a man — who he assumed was his new coach Yakov — instructing her on her moves. Joey smiles, amazed by the sheer talent this girl has. The girl finally noticed the black haired male and a girlish squeal erupted from her. "Yakov! The new trainee is here~"

The girl quickly skated off the ice and bounded over to Joey with Yakov in tow. "Hi!!! I'm Mila! And as you might have guessed, this is our coach!" Joey smiled at her out stretched hand and shook it. "Hello Mila, Yakov, it's a pleasure to make you're acquaintance!" Joey said and shook his new coaches hand as well.
Joey ended up joining Mila for training for the day.

-Days later — Yuri is Back in Russia-

Joey has been training daily with Yakov and the other skaters. He's slowly but steadily improving his skating bit by bit. While practising a lutz on the ice he heard a screech which could only be from Mila. Joey turned and his eyes brightened when he saw who it was. "Yuri welcome back~" Mila said sweetly, and hugged the blonde, this made Yuri pissed and he began to yell. "SHUT IT OLD HAG STOP CLINGING TO ME!"

Yuri pushes Mila away and storms off to one of the bleachers. She just smiles at his antics and waves Joey over to them. "Yuri!! I almost forgot! Joey, the new trainee is here today! Say hello!" She said with a smile, this makes the blonde look up and gesture for the blacknette to come talk to him. This made Joey blush and skate over to Yuri — Much to Yakov's protests.

"U-uh hey Kitten... How was your flight?" Joey asked, Yuri already noticed the pink blush dusting the other boy's cheeks. "It was fine. I said when I got back that we'd talk. So, let's talk." Joey nodded and Yuri continued. "I'm not... interested in a relationship at the moment. I admit, I'm attracted to you... But I really wanna focus on what I'm doing now... So I'm gonna have to decline you're offer for a date." Yuri finally said, Joey looked like he was going to cry and just nodded. The black haired male cleared his throat and stood.

"I should get back too it Yuri. I'll talk to you later." Joey said coldly, trying to mask his sadness. Joey walked back to where Yakov was waiting. "Yakov I apologize for the interruption." He said softly and stepped back on the ice to practice the lutz as instructed by Yakov.

-After Practice-

It was almost 10 at night when Joey finished practice. He sat down on the bleachers next to his bag, then untied and pulled off his skates. Then put the grips onto the blades before putting them into his bag. Then put his shoes on. 'I should probably take a shower before I leave... I reek...' Joey grabbed his bag and went to find the locker room.

-After His Shower-

Joey has dried himself off and put his clothes and shoes back on before grabbing his bag and leaving. On the way out he noticed Yuri talking to Yakov at the front doors. Joey decided he didn't wanna talk so he pulled his hood up and snuck past the two without them noticing him. Joey ended up getting to the bus stop without any problems. He sat on the bus stop bench with a sigh. The black haired male pulled out his ear phones and played a random song while waiting for the bus. His thoughts were spiralling.

'Yuri was right though. I shouldn't have been such an idiot. I expected he'd really go out with me... but we're both here to learn to be better and more graceful on the ice. Not fall in love. I think I should be more reserved with him for now on. I wouldn't want to distract him.' Joey noticed the bus finally came and he hopped on.

Once he got home Joey walked up to his bedroom.
His 'father' noticed right away and stopped him by the stairs. "Where do you think you're going young man? No hello? You're god damn lucky your mother and I let you go to that stupid ice rink you can't stop blabbing about. The least you can do is say hello before you go to you're room!" He yelled and slapped the 17-year-old across the face. "You better learn from this Joey, or so help me god that figure skating bullshit is done for." Joey's 'father' shoves him against the wall and walks off to the kitchen to get a beer.

Finally seeing an escape, Joey ran upstairs, then closed and locked his door before putting his belongings away. Then he changed into a t-shirt and boxers and flopped face first onto his bed. That's when he finally let his emotions loose. Joey ended up crying himself to sleep that night.


Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think and if I got anything wrong please feel free to correct me! 🥺

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