The Story

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Once upon a time, a woman named Karen walked into a scented candles store."

"May I help you, ma'am? asked the store clerk. The Karen walked over to her with a scented candle in her hand. 

"I would like to buy this scented candle," said the Karen. The store clerk, whose name tag said "Olivia", nodded and scanned the purple candle.

"That'll be. $59.95," Olivia smiled. But Karen wasn't having it.

"No, it's $35.50." Karen said, her smile disappearing in an instant. 

"Um, ma'am, what is your name?" Olivia asked. 

"I'll have you know that my name is Karen." Karen yelled. 

"Let me talk to your manager," Karen demanded. Olivia nodded meekly and slipped into the back room. About two minutes later, another woman came out, Olivia trailing behind her. 

"This is Karen," Olivia said once she and her manager had reached the Karen in question. 

"Olivia, wait in the back room for a few minutes?" asked the manager. Olivia was happy to comply. She went to the back room, closing the door behind her. 

"Karen." the manager said, just as Olivia poked her head out from behind the door to the storage room. 

"Manager." Karen gritted her teeth. "Or should I say... Karen fairy!" The manager smiled and suddenly, she transformed. She grew wings and her manager's uniform changed into a long, shimmery dress.

"No," Karen gasped. 

"Yes." the manager contradicted. Then, the manager waved her wand above the Karen's head and transformed the Karen into an orange traffic cone! 

"Olivia, take this Karen to her friends." the manager said. Olivia nodded, picked up the cone gingerly, and ran with it to the secret door hidden in the infamous back room. She opened it and threw the newest orange cone on top of one of the piles of orange cones. 

"Sorry Karens," Olivia whispered as she slipped back out the door. 

And that is why, whenever Karens see the manager, they get turned into orange cones. So be careful about what you say near an orange cone, because it just might turn out to be a Karen. 

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAH I had fun writing that. My friend PhoenixHowell747 took my class on Karens. Let me know if you think I should do a book on Karens. 😂

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