Friday Night Death Fight

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7 months ago

IT WAS FUCKING HOT IN THE BAR. The air smelled of blood and sweat and cigarettes. The lights overhead beamed harshly down on the woman standing in the center of the ring. Bruises covered her arms and blood smeared her face and wrapped hands. The lights turned everything beyond the ring into a wall of blackness. She couldn't see the crowd but she could hear them cheering for her next opponent.

She also knew that motherfucker was sitting out there, surrounded by his bodyguards, watching.

She raised her bloody fist into the air. "Who's next?" she snarled, glaring out into the darkness. The crowd roared in response.

A man, little more than a boy, climbed into the ring. Tall and lanky, twice her size and weight. She rolled her eyes.

She leaped into the fighting stance but the other guy doesn't even put his hands up.

"I'll give you a free one," he sneered. He slapped his side. "You barely weigh over a hundred pounds. And you're a girl! So go ahead, little girl. Hit me."

The crowd was laughing and jeering. Her ears were drowning in it. Who was this guy? What's he been doing this entire night? She had already taken down four other guys more experienced than this punk.

So she hit him. She cocked her leg up and roundhouse kicked him in the ribs with all her might. There was a loud snap! There's a surprised look on his face and he went down like a sack of potatoes.

Now the crowd was really laughing their asses off. They dragged him off the blood-stained floor and out of the ring.

"How about a real challenge!" she growled.

A man climbed into the ring. A smile spread over her face when she saw him. A burly man, over six feet, with thick arms. His logo was tattooed on his arm when he rolled his sleeves up. The man's eyes gleamed. He's certain he's going to win this fight.

The rules of the fight were simple:

Tap out or knock out.

That's about it.

He tilted his head at her and grinned as they faced off in the ring. She studied his stance. He stepped forward with his left foot. He's right-handed. Typical. He's taller than her. Usually, this would work in his favor, but she'd trained for this. His steps were heavy; he'll tire fast.

She struck first, hard and fast to his side. He blocked it and went to kick. She sidestepped and his foot went whooshing past her. She punched his side hard while his back was turned.

He whirled around. He bared his teeth at her and lunged forward at full speed. She blocked his first two punches but his third caught her under the jaw. Her head spun.

She leaped out of range, shaking her head to clear it. She wiped a bit of blood from her mouth. They circled, waiting until he swung again. She ducked under his next jab and punched him in the jaw. He didn't see that coming. He stumbled heavily and almost fell. The crowd cheered in approval.

He glared at her. She smirked. She'd succeeded in pissing him off.

She dodged his next hit and followed it when he pulled back. Once inside, his long arms don't have the room to punch and they can't extend and deliver maximum damage up at the close range. She rained shots down on him and forced him to take a lot of blocked hits.

Keeping a check on her energy, she backed up. He slowly lowered his battered arms. He's tiring.

She smirked and went in for the kill. A hard hit to the side of the face and jaw and he crumbled. Knockout. The crowd went nuts.

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