Chapter 3

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A/N- Sorry that it took me more than a week to put this up/ I'm just really busy, it being Christmas. I hope that it doesn't happen again, but I won't make any promises because things happen. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading and enjoy.


Wow, I thought, even from the dead my mom is making sure to get reading into my life. Yeah, I like to read but not books that are over about six inches thick and 5000 PAGES LONG!!! I knew there had to be some reason that my mom gave this to me so, I reached inside the brown paper again to check if there was a letter explaining it. Sure enough, there was a folded sheet of paper inside. I took it out and unfolded it. It read:

Dear Jonathon,

          By the time you're reading this I'm most likely dead. I wish I could have seen you grow up to be fourteen, but I had to save you so that your destiny could be fulfilled. If you're wondering, I made sure that you wouldn't find this package until you were fourteen, as this is when you truly begin to develop. The book in the package contains very important information and its a family heirloom, so i want, as my last wish, for you to protect it with your life. If I had time i would explain everything in this message but time is one thing I don't have at the moment that I am writing this. Also Jonathon remember that the choices you make are very important. I love you so much, my son.

                                                                                                                                                                       Love,                                                                                                                                                               Your mother P.S. The things needed for the other two are also in the package

What did she mean by my destiny being fulfilled?

What did she mean by the time I truly begin to develop, because I think she meant a bit more than puberty?

What is so important about this book?

Why do i have to make really important choices?

What are "the other two" she mentioned in the postscript? 

All these questions and more were going through my brain.

"Zara," Zachary said, "Doesn't that book look like-"

"Yeah it does," Zara replied.

"Um, what are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Zachary and I both received books from our parents that look almost like that"

"Really?" I said with a confused expression on my face.

"Yeah," Zachary replied, "but the thing is that they have a lock on them and we don't have the keys for them."

The line from the letter came back to me. The things neede for the other two are also in the package. I reached into the package one last time and brought out two golden keys.

"No, it couldn't be," Zara said.

"Well there's only one way to find out," Zachary replied.

"You're right. We'll have to check. Jonathon, are you coming It's not that long of a walk."

"Of Course!" I replied, "What are we waiting for


Twenty minutes later we got to a large three story(excluding the ground floor and the basement)  house. When we got in, we went to the living room and the first thing I noticed was the giant 78 inch flat screen television. The living room was so muck bigger than mine. I could never imagine living in a house as big as this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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