Chapter 3: Princess Dark Matter's Invasion!

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Princess Dark Matter. Not anyone know her... But she is the strongest female characters of all. 😀 I hope you guys enjoy this epic chapter...

Broly's POV

Rias: As Issei and I got married... I cant go to my peerage... So, Broly.
I will passed it to you.

Broly: Wow... But why me?!

Issei: Really!?

Rias: Im not sure...

Broly: Well...

I dunno what will I do. Im a leader... If Rias and Issei get married... But why? Whay is the problem?

Broly: Can I asks... After you get married. Rias... What will happen...

Rias: Uhm... I might get busy... So I choose you... That is why.

Broly: It means... You are proposed to Issei?! Thats nice.

Goku: What is it Broly?

Broly: Kakarot. Im a leader....

Rias: Easy. 😅 Its not a joke... To be a leader....

Goku: Whats wrong?

Broly: Because. If Rias and Issei get married... She will confused... So... I will be a leader...

Rias: He is right...

Goku: Congrats Broly.

Broly: Ehehehhe... Thanks... ( Im not sure about this. 😔)


Princess Dark Matter POV

Princess Dark Matter: Hm... I must distract them with my magic... Ahahahahahahahaha! Stole them from Twilight and her friends...
So... I must destroy this place on my own...

I use it and the hugh school was full of destruction...

Broly POV

Broly: What now?

Rias: What is this?!

Goku: Broly... I sense the power... The Omega Devil!

Rias: Its Raiser!

Ahri: I dont think if this is Raiser, Rias. Princess Dark Matter!
That is her ambush attacks. I know it... *jump on the window* *glass breaks*

Broly: Wait for me! *follows Ahri*


Zeoticus: Everyone... Come here... Stay inside...

Princess Dark Matter: Hahahhahahahaha!

Zeoticus: Who are you?! Trespasser

Sans: Dont worry. Zeoticus... I will finish her...

Ahri: Sans! You cant beat her!

Sans was infront to Princess Dark Matter...

*Princess Dark Matter Battle theme music*

Sans: You! Die!!! *gaster blaster*

Ahri: Pfff... I told you... She can stole your powers.

Zeoticus: How do you know. Ms. Ahri?

Ahri: That is Princess Dark Matter. The Princess of Omega King. She steals everyone's powers. And... She forms to a demon queen... Like your wife. Venelana Gremory!

Zeoticus: No Way! How do we beat her...

Ahri: There is only one... Broly?

Zeoticus: Who is Broly?

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