An involuntary spasm of the diaphragm that causes much fluff

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I am SOOOOO sorry I haven't posted in a while

I hope you haven't all given up on me :( *


The small sound reverberated loudly around the silent room, causing Dean and Sam, researching a new, and very complicated, case, to look up at Castiel, annoyed.

Cas looked back at them at them with confused, but apologetic eyes, as they glared and turned back quietly to Sam's laptop.

*hic* "Dean?"

Sam froze.

*hic* "Deeeaaan!"

Dean closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

*hic* *hic* *hic*

Sam bitchfaced at Castiel spectacularly, and the eldest hunter slammed the laptop closed and strode over to Cas, glaring.

"Right, that's it, I can't concentrate with you hiccuping and whining like a baby!! Get over here goddammit"

Cas worriedly got to his feet, scared about what Dean was going to do to him, and walked hesitantly over to the hunter.


Dean looked into Castiel's terrified eyes and softened slightly.
He didn't mean to hiccup after all...
It was pretty cute...
And research sucked anyway.

"C'mon dude, I'll help you get rid of your hiccups."

Cas smiled weakly at Dean.

*hic* "thank you" *hic* "Dean"

Dean couldn't help but chuckle, slapping his hand affectionately on Castiel's back, and leading him into the kitchen.

He sat Cas on the counter in front of him, smirking slightly.
This was going to be fun.
Everyone knew there wasn't a cure for hiccups.
But Cas didn't.

"Okaaay! First, we will try the drinking water backwards method"

Castiel's eyes widened in fear at Dean's grinning face.

*hic* "okay then..."

The hunter could barely keep a straight face as he handed the angel a glass, full to the brim with clear water.
Cas leant forwards slightly, and attempted to drink the water from the other side of the glass.

Sam walked into the room, laughing quietly, when he heard the loud noises coming from the kitchen.

*hic* *cough* "Dean!!!" *COUGH COUGH* "I don't! I don't" *hic* "I don't like it Dean! HELP" *cough*

Castiel's face was dripping with water, wide, crystal blue eyes searching the hunters faces for a sign that they would help.
But Dean was too busy pissing himself laughing, and Sam just shook his head amusedly, turning around and lazily waltzing out the door.


"Deeeaaan..." *hic* "I don't think it worked..."

Cas whined at the hunter, who was still doubled over, wheezing.
Castiel pouted like a sulky child when Dean ignored him, lightly kicking his shoulder with annoyance.

"DEEEAAN!!" *hic*

Dean took a deep breath, face aching from the laughter, and stood up straight, and looked into Castiel's face.
He almost lost it again as he looked into the angels glaring eyes.

Cas looked so childish it was unreal.

Chapped lips pouting.
Brows furrowed into a scowl.

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