chapter nine

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jaemin went straight home, doubting his feelings and his how his gun stayed in his pocket.

he drove with his left hand, while the other holding a cigarette. he didn't notice he was driving too fast, the next thing he knew he was being chased by the police.

"fucking policemen." he uttered, threw his cigar and drove as fast as he could.

his gas is running low, so he had to think fast until his car bumped a tree.

the policemen stopped their cars and approached the car.

he knocked on the window, "please put the window down."

no response.

they are too dumb to not check on the driver if he's fine.

they opened the door, jaemin's gone.

"GODDAMN IT THAT'S MY SEVENTH CAR! UGH!" he complained while taking one of the policemen's car.

"so long, fuckers!" he laughed.

he drove until the convenient store which was not too near to their house, for sure they would track that car down, he doesn't want no police in their house.

so he walked his way to their house. while walking on his way, some guys wanted to mess with him.

"hey, got any money? you look fancy, baby boy." they laughed.

he rolled his eyes, "look, get those filthy hands off of me, i'm not in the mood to play with you. go home."

he was about to walk past them but they pulled his hair for him to return. he got irritated. he believed in his own saying where, "nobody touches my hair unless we're having sex."

he closed his eyes and it only took him six moves to put them all to sleep and continued to walk.

when he opened their door, his father was looking all happy for his great news, which isn't.

"so?" he asked.

"i-i'm sorry dad, he wasn't there. they had a party but he wasn't there." he lied.

by the look on his father's eyes, he was disappointed. too disappointed.

"i'm sorry dad, I-i tried—"

"its fine jaemin. just... just leave." he said and left.

he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip and just fell on their sofa.

"i'm such a disappointment."

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