Lesbi Friends Historians

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The reckoning bell marks the end of time. Four horsemen of the apocalypse rearing their heads.


Ah shit here we go again
The gang stumbles into the corridor, separating quickly according to class. Oh fuck Chem with Mr Sugacock, better be a film about mitosis or summin.

Y/n walked into class where she was given an assigned seat. Kyle Brofloski, a fond friend and the ideal lab partner. She thanks the heavens for blessing her with an intellectual. He gives her a casual wave accompanying a small smile. His freckles are adorbs. It's not long before she's seated eagerly, slinging her well-loved backpack next to Brofloski's impeccably pristine messenger bag. Man this guy is well put together.

"Good to see you y/n. See Kenny's treating you well." He quips, citing the chartreusity of your head through his round glasses. Nowadays, the red curled teen almost fit the depiction of a preppy nerd to a T, bar the awkwardness, additional rage issues, a distinct lack of a bowtie and relentless gay feelings towards his BFF.

✨🧚🏻Brofloski tings🧚🏻✨

"The rat bastard got to me Brof. Broke down my defenses through illegal means and fucked up my hair."

"Don't worry about it, he did the same shit to Cartman last year at a party. Fat fuck didn't come to school for a week, at least you're not a pussy." He states and reaches for an untitled book. Y/n observes keenly when he jots down rushed notes

"You gonna write bout me in your diary Brof, make me sound seck z please."

"It's not a diary!" Her now slitted eyed partner grumbles. Wow she did not expect that reaction.

"Jeez dude chill I'm only joshing. What is that thing anyhow if you're gonna get super defensive."

"You laugh and I get to punch you."


He sighs nervously, "it's a feelings journal but don't you dare tell anyone! I've been writing in it for a couple months now to deal with my anger and stuff."

"Why would I tell anyone that's the cutest self improvement shit in the world. Mama's gonna take that adorable info to the grave with her Brofloski don't you worry your curly head about it." Y/n parts her lips to form a smile and rests an affirming hand against his. The two of them weren't ultra close but tended to be partnered in most classes, making an unlikely yet strong team. It helped that they both shared equally jocky and emotional best friends whom they had conflicting feelings for- difference being gender of course. Kyle had confided in her and Ken over the holidays, his drunken feelings towards a certain Marsh, who remains a clueless himbo to this day. So it didn't surprise her when she was told of his journal. I bet it's also to help deal with his crush, poor guy.

The lesson continued how they did before summer, boring apart from occasional conversation with her partner or friends from surrounding tables. Many had differing opinions as to the state of y/ns dyed mop. Some tried to dance around insulting it whilst others straight up told her it looked like dog shit, one of those being none other than ya boy Eric Cartmenez. Who was delivered a sharp jab to the gut from sweet Princess McCormick.

-Luncheon Period-

"I swear if I hear another history teacher call anymore historical lesbians 'best friends who live together' I'm gonna rip out my ovaries Green light." Red huffs addressing y/n by her new nickname. "Fuck maybe we could write a song about that. What name though, 'History is gay'?" Ah yes a typical Red rant, another part of the Rules. One shalt never interrupt her Lady Red in the midst of an RR, tis a sin against Beck. The drummer looks down at her bandmate for input.

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