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I CONTINUED TO CRY AND RIAAN SAT, PATIENTLY BESIDE ME. When the tears finally began to subside, he got up and went to a cabinet in the gym, fumbling around.

He sat down beside me and handed me a tiny tissue.

"Sorry, I know it's not as good as a tissue, but it's all I've got," he glanced at me sympathetically. I hated that he was seeing me like this, but he didn't seem as freaked out as most guys would be.

"Thank you," I sniffled and wiped my face. "I'm not normally this emotional, I swear. I don't know the last time I've cried this much."

"Everyone needs a good cry now and then. Even us guys," he winked.

I laughed and balled the tissue up in my hand.

"Better?" he asked, and there was genuine concern in his voice. He wasn't asking, because it was the right thing to do, he was asking because he genuinely wanted to know.

"Yeah, thanks," I stood and tossed the the tissue in the dust bin. "Well," I put my hands on my hips. "I think I've kept you from your training long enough."

He chuckled. "You can keep me from my training, anytime."

I grabbed my purse, "I better be getting home. I have a ton of assignments to do. Every time, I think I'm going to get caught up, I get assigned another paper."

"I would ask you out tonight, what with it being Friday, but my sister has a Kathak performance."

"Wait... Is your sister a dancer?" I questioned, sliding my purse up to rest on my shoulder. It was a huge purse; like the kind you could fit a sink in. It was my favorite though, and despite its years of abuse, it was holding up well.

"She is," Riaan said, moving across the room to the weights. I followed him and watched as he picked one up. The muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled.

"But she likes Kathak?"

He shrugged. "She loves it, always has. It's been an escape for her, just like fighting has been for me. She's really good. A couple of institutes in Mumbai already have their eye on her."

"Really?" I raised a brow in shock. "That's incredible. I'd love to see her perform."

"You would?" he dropped the weight he had been using on the ground and grabbed a heavier one.

"Oh gosh! I wasn't trying to invite myself!" I blushed.

Riaan laughed. "I know. I didn't ask, because I figured you wouldn't be interested. But..." he met my eyes, "if you want to go, I'd love for you to come. Plus, you'll get to meet my sister."

"Do you want me to meet your sister?" I nervously swayed back and forth.

"Of course," he answered without hesitation.

"Um... yeah, I'll go."

A smile stole across his face. "Great. I'll pick you up at seven."

"I can meet you there," I looked at the ground.

He sighed. "Ira, I'm not going to break into your house and kill you, if that's what you're afraid of. This is just me, being a nice guy, wanting to pick up his girl."

"Your girl?" I raised a brow.

He stood, so that he towered over me, making me feel like a small fairy in his presence. "You are most definitely my girl, even if you don't know it yet."

I swallowed and squeaked, "Oh."

"Seven," he pointed at me. "Text me your address."

"O-o-kay," I knew there was no point in arguing with Riaan.

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