Chapter Fifteen

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Once I lose trust in someone  no one can bring it back not even me. ♡unknown♡


It's been a week since Rachel and Stella have been living in the Kim mansion and hell it was the worst week ever in jin's life. Jin always respects women but such scheming and men stealing women are not someone who should be respected. Jin was trying his best not to explode.

Stella tried her best to get on the couples nerve every chance she got. Jin always waits for taehyung in the evening and even prepares snacks for them. But these days Rachel acts as if she is taehyung's partner instead of him.

And jin hates it. She is trying to come in between him and taehyung. Jin hates home wreckers men or women he hates them. Jin can't understand how these people have the audacity to come in between married couples.

Though he understands that some couples sometimes need a bit time to mend their reaction if they are having constent argument but that doesn't mean you can come in between them and create more misunderstandings. If you love them so much than wait till they break up or divorce with both sides agreeing and if they don't because they want to be together, just let them go.

Right now Rachel is standing with jin who was baking cupcakes for taehyung. The smell of the cupcakes make jin almost drool. Control jin don't embarrass yourself in front of Rachel he thought.

"Oh let me do it. I don't think you know how to bake. Man usually don't know how to do it. It's woman's job to do these kind of things like cooking, cleaning and fulfilling their husbands needs." Rachel said looking like she won a trophy and jin well he had a WTF face.

Jin didn't say anything and Rachel thought that she made jin speechless. But in reality jin was trying to calm the volcano inside him.

How are she jin thought

"Well with this kind of thinking I don't you will survive in this world. In which century you are living? Those where old times when women stayed inside the house and only did house chores and men earned money. The century we are living in right now women can work. And let me tell you men can also cook. This doesn't make them low and if they decide to do house chores to help their partners well than it will only increases love between the couple." Jin said calmly.

Rachel was burning with angry and she really wanted to slap jin right now and thats what she did she slapped jin and even pushed him. Thank God it wasn't a hard push and he wasn't hurt. Jin hands protectively held his stomach as he tried to get up.

Jin didn't knew this women was this low. Just because he couldn't win an argument, she decided to slap and push jin. All though jin's stomach wasn't that big to notice but if someone touches his stomach they would sure be able to tell that jin is pregnant.

Jin wasn't sure is the baby was hurt or not because he didn't feel any pain at the moment and jin was sure he wasn't hurt as well until he put pressure on his feet and he knew that he twisted his ankle. Jin wasn't to slap Rachel so bad and before he could stand up he heard a slapping sound and Rachel was on the floor crying as she held her cheek.

Jin felt hands around his shoulder and he looked at the owner of the hands and it was none other than his husbands. Taehyung was glaring at Rachel. Taehyung picked jin bridal style and was about to leave but stopped.

"I hate raising my hand on women but you took it to far and now I am going to make sure that you regret slapping jin." Taehyung's voice was low and it made Rachel tremble in fear.

But jin was having some other thoughts or in other words dirty thoughts. Taehyung's low voice was jin's weakness and right now jin was scolding himself.

Seokjin stop these dirty thoughts well you jin thought to himself.

Taehyung took jin to their room and as soon as he saw jin's ankle , he cursed under his breath and took his phone to call someone. It should be a doctor jin presumed. But as soon as the doctor arrived, jin was afraid that his secret was out because it was the same doctor from whom jin came to know he was pregnant.

The doctor was treating jin's ankle and he asked jin that if he was feeling pain anywhere else in his body. When the doctor was sure that jin was okay than he checked jin's stomach (idk the procedure so yeah don't come at me :D).

"Yeah and don't worry tye baby is okay was well." Doctor said and jin's eyes widened in fear thinking he was dead now but when jin looked at taehyung, taehyung was busy on his phone probably texting someone. Jin signed. Phew he was save.

But taehyung who already heard everything was actually acting that he was on phone. Taehyung excused himself and went out of the room.

"Doctor please don't tell taehyung I am pregnant. I don't want him to know." Jin begged the doctor and the doctor simply nodded. As a doctor's it his job to make sure their patients are satisfied.

But looks like luck is not on jin's side today.

"Look at this whore. He is pregnant and don't want tae to know. Ofcourse it's not taehyung's child that's why this slut is afraid and won't let taehyung know. He was acting almighty in front of me that day now I shall expose him and let Rachel marry taehyung." Stella whispered to herself as she made her way towards the hall where taehyung was.

Stella heard jin talking to the doctor and now she is going to expose. Stella smirked as she found taehyung talking on the phone . She wanted and as soon as taehyung put his phone down she started talking.

"Taehyung you know that your husband his pregnant. He is such a whore, he doesn't want you to know that he is pregnant. Ofcourse that's not your child that's why he is not talking to you. You should just divorce him and kick him out of the house with his bastard child. If I didn't find out, he would say that this child is yours." Stella finished and she was satisfied with the look on taehyung's face. It was the look of anger.

Jin you are dead now


Hey cuties

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Guys sorry for a late update. I actually lost the inspiration to write this story. I wasn't sure how to continue but now I know and I will update for frequently. Thank you guys soo much for being patient.

And yes some of you all where thinking that jin and taehyung are step brothers. I saw some comments. No they are not jin's dad and taehyung's mom had an affair after both of them were born so yeah.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Till than



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