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"Can you just keep your mouth shut for once." Seokjin spoke, seemingly irritated as he stared down his younger brother. "My day was hard enough and i do not need you arguing with me on top."

It was true. Kim Seokjin's day hadn't been the easiest. He had had a lot of stress today at work due to what he had been aksed to do.

You see, Jin (as he preferred to be called), was one of Seoul's best and most famous detectives. He had an excellent feeling for the things he did in his job and an amazing ability to find people.

That is why he had been asked to lead the most difficult case the police had in stock for him: he had to find the serial killer that roomed around Seoul and took the lives of innocent people.

"Fine, then i'll just go to Yeonjun's house." Taehyung, Jin's little brother, spat back as he walked angrily out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

In all honesty Jin really loved his little brother with all his heart, but sometimes even he had enough of him.

Now was one of that moments.

Seokjin sighed as he threw himself on his bed an burried his face in the pillow.

He had changed himself from his suit into something more comfortable. Which is why he now found himself scrolling through his phone in some jogging pants and an oversized white shirt.

Jin opened his messages and clicked on the one which was his bestfriend's contact, Jung Hoseok.


Hey Seokie, what u doing?

Nothing really, why?

No reason, just Taehyung and me arguing on top of my stressful day.

Why was it stressful?

Well, my boss decided to give me an extra hard job, saying i would be great at it.
Luckily Jimin offered to help me.

What is it?

I need to find Seoul's serial killer.

Oh wow. That truly is something, but i'm sure you will manage. With Jimin's help it should be okay.


Tell me about it.

First of all, the murderer doesn't leave any traces on his victims. No weapons have been found either. Second of all, there is no name or picture of the murderer what so ever!!!

How am I supposed to find him that way?!

That sounds like a hell of a murderer, but like i said before, i'm sure you will manage.

Well thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll need them since i'll be starting the investigation tomorrow.

Tomorrow already?!

Yeah, why?

Then you should get some rest in order for you to be at a right mind.

Maybe i should.
Well than, good night Hobi.

Goodnight, hyung.


Jin tossed his phone to the end of his bed, standing up and making his way to the door.

He knew Taehyung didn't go to Yeonjun's house since the latter wasn't at home. So he made his way to his brothers room

He softly knocked on the door, slighlty opening it when no response came from inside the room.

A smile worked it's way up to the tall male's face as he saw that Taehyung had fallen asleep whilst reading his favorite book.

Jin looked up at the clock noticing that it was already ten o'clock.

He queitly walked over to his siblings bed trying to avoid the things on the floor to make as less noise as possible.

Taehyung's bed stood on the other side of his room. Just next to the window which showed a beautiful view of the Han river.

Jin carefully freed the book from the smallers hands and placed it on the nightstand table.

He softly slid in next to his brother, slipping the warm blanket over both of them.

With his hand he gently pushed away some of the blue hair strands that had fallen over Taehyung's eyes.

Althought the two siblings had a fairly large age difference, Jin being 25 and Taehyung 19, they both got along really well and so occasionally they ended up side by side sleeping peacefully while cuddling up against each other.

They didn't live with their parents. The reason being that both of them had died in a car crash while on holiday with some of their friends.

Both boys at that time had been fairly young. Especially Taehyung who had been 15 during the accident.

Luckily Jin's best friend Hoseok and his parents had offered them a place to stay until they were old enough to live on their own.

Which was why they currently found themselves in Jin's apartment, which the male had bought just over a year ago, cuddled up and sleeping soundlessly.


This chapter was pretty short, but it was only the first so there is no need to worry.

I just wanna say that English is not my first language, so if there are any spelling mistakes, please don't hate me.

Thank you, guys.

Enjoy reading the story!

- Sophia

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