the thing that watches me

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It is here.
I can't control the fear.
It is here.
The thing that watches me.

I feel so much anger.
I feel so much fear.
So much cnofusion.
For the thing that watches me.

No matter how I hate it,
I cannot deny it.
You are my friend,
The thing that watches me.

You make me angry,
You make me sad,
You make me happy
The thing that watches me.

You make me weak,
You make me strong,
And I've known you for oh so long,
The thing that watches me.

You've been here for years
Never leaving
Always behind me
The thing that watches me.

For the worst,
Of for the best,
You've always known me the best,
The thing that watches me.

I know you won't like it,
Neighter will I
But it's time to say goodbye,
The thing that watches me.

You cannot go,
But this you know,
For I've told you so,
The thing that watches me.

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