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zee: but....You already signed it and that business gives us a lot of profit how can I not accept it.

Mew: But. when..n..n?how?? who...o..???
mew started to questioning again...

Zee: Wait I know what you are going to ask....let me say you.
He asked me to help him. I don 't want to accept but I have to think about business also right. If I say you, you don't accept it .so I have no other option and the file that you signed when gulf bought it your cabin last day was it......... I feared that you would check it and send it back but as I thought you became stupid in shock and sighed it soon after you saw gulf.
So, the important thing is zee works in the company for 15days from today. so you start hitting gulf or you may lose him and I gave a benefit to you by making him my P.A.

zee: M-Mew-w Are you alright?

Mee: Zee, I don't know what to say.
I want to kill you right now, you know.

Zee: I know ...I know ...iam sorry... please. We are going to be late. start driving.

Mew: Do you think I have any other chance except listening to you. I don't know What did I do in my last life I got a friend like you. (joked)

"You said iam the best friend ever just now." zee pouted.

"Best friend my ass."

mew and zee are arguing like kids. finally, arrived at the company and They went to their own rooms. Gulf was already there before zee came and wished him.

"Gulf, get into my office we need to discuss work" zee ordered

"ok sir " gulf followed see into the cabin

Zee and gulf prepared a report about the new project and went to mew to discuss with him as he is the CEO

"Sir Can I not come with you. I mean we already finished the report right.  I think it's fine if you go alone to meet the CEO." Gulf asked nervously.

'It's fine to me but not for your CEO.' zee mumbled to himself.

"Sir! " gulf asked again.

"I think you should come with me," Zee responded.

Gulf's pov.

Oh God! please help me.
I hope I don't behave stupidly around CEO this time. Gulf, you can do this, just don't look into his eyes that all it's simple. you can do this.yes.you can do this

zee watching gulf with confusion who is talking to himself and gave a little smile...
Gulf *awkwardly* looked at zee

"Iam sorry sir.shall we go now."


They entered into mew's cabin. Zee started to explain the report to mew.
But gulf sat there like a rock looking his shoe's .he did not see or talk to mew, not even once.
Zee completed his explanation and walking out of the room, gulf started following him like a cute dog following his owner but mew is not ready to let go gulf out of his room that simply.

Mew started speaking when they almost stepped out of the room it's like ! the door is opened zee is out of the room and it only needs one step for the gulf to step out but .....

"Hey, zee, let your P.A stay here, I need to discuss some work with him," mew said.

Both zee and gulf turned around. zee *winked* to mew and left the room by closing the door behind him.

Gulf heart started to beat fast again.he just want to run away from there to cool down himself but he can't.

Gulf eyes went wide when he saw mew walking towards him.mew is walking slowly like an angel towards him. he doesn't know whether mew is walking slowly or he is just imagining...

Mew reached gulf. There is only one step distance between them. mew stepped forward, gulf stepped backward, again mew stepped forward but this time gulf had no chance to move back because he already reached the door. mew pinned gulf to the door and locked his body between his hands.
Mew leaned forward. there is only a small distance between them.gulf can hear mew's breath and unknowingly gulf closed his eyes.

Mew leaned forward and..........


Thanks for reading.
Sorry for that grammar thing.

Luv ya ❤

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