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Mew just went numb due to shock because he never expected gulf in his company.

Mew's pov...

What??? gulf??? what is he doing here. Did he know about secret lover?? did he come here to warn me not to send him flowers?or did he- - -
Mew thoughts were interpreted by gulf...

"Excuse me, sir!! can I come in?" Gulf asked by standing at the door.

"yes! Of course!!" mew said with a confused expression. gulf came in and started introducing himself.

"Sir!! I am gulf, new P.A of manger zee
Manger zee wanted me to send these files to you. Mr.zee wants them singed by you.can you please check these files."
Mew was still confused but he was happy that gulf doesn't know about secret lover.

"Yes, of course, I will sign them you can sit here" mew pointed to the chairs in front of him.gulf sat in the chair waiting for mew to sign them.mew took that file and started checking it. mew looked up to check gulf. Their eyes met. gulf who is staring at him gave a little smile.mew's heart almost jumped out of his chest .he signed those files and gave them to the gulf. He wanted to say something but gulf started to walk to the door . So mew did not say anything but watched gulf walking out of his room until no longer he can see him.........
mew lost in thoughts, suddenly his phone started ringing that phone ring bought mew out of his thoughts. mew picked up that phone to hear the zee excitement

"MR.CEO! Did you like my surprise???" Zee said and burst out laughing.

"why r u laughing idiot! You almost killed me. My heart is beating like crazy. That's not a surprise at all. It's a shock .you know idiot, you should have said to me earlier." Mew fake angered but both zee and mew know that he is not angry but happy.

"Oh...oh..who would call it a surprise if I told you earlier? If you don't like the surprise. I can send it back."
zee started playing with mew.

"I will kill you !zee" mew started to
act like a kid.

"ok ok Mr.ceo, I will not send him anywhere except to your room. Are you happy now, hey gulf came back I will talk to you later."

Zee ended the call.
Gulf gave those filed to zee and went back to his table to work.

Gulf pov...

Why did my heart start beating fast just now? and those eyes of CEO...
Those eyes can do some wonder. I almost went crazy looking into them.
But why did I smile like an idiot when he looked me. I wonder if he thought me as an idiot. Gulf doesn't act like a stupid around CEO next time.

Gulf patted his head himself and started working. but he couldn't concentrate on work. the only thing that appears in his brain is mew's face and his eyes

gulf you idiot!! stop thinking about him.

He Scolding himself. he finished working, went back home .took bath, ate dinner, and closed eyes by laying on the bed. Soon after he closed his eyes pictures of mew started running in his mind.then he suddenly woke up.

Shitt....t...t....what wrong with me today .why do I keep on remembering him. did I fall for him?? Is it? love at first sight! shit gulf, how can you love your CEO .are you crazy?
he started Scolding himself again.

I should take him out of my mind.facebook.!!yes, I can get distracted by Facebook.

Gulf Opened Facebook and liked some of his friend's pics and unknowingly he started searching mew's account.

shitt!Did I just search mew's account? I went crazy for sure .wait !! wow!! he looks good in casual wear.

He sent him a friend request and suddenly he looked at the ring, he is wearing...

What am I doing?? I like this secret lover already.now, how can I start liking this CEO. I should not forget my old love just by finding someone attractive.No..No...am I such a bastard. who forget their love for some new guy .shit !why do I feel pain in my heart! No, I only love this 'secret lover. I will delete this friend request.

Gul came out from his thoughts and looked back at his laptop screen to delete his request but mew already accepted his request!!!!!

Oh.shit!!!!!Ceo accepted my request

gulf is smiling like an idiot who won the lottery.Then suddenly looked at his ring again.

what the heck!!!! Why do I feel happy. about Ceo when I like my SL already. I shout better stop thinking about this matter.

Thank you for reading guys.

Luv ya ❤.

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