randy x reader

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hii! sorry for taking a while with this one. i honestly had no ideas for this and this was the only thing i could think of, sorry it's so short as well! i'll try my best to write something longer next time! again, requests are always open so please request things i beg-
image credit: taken from the Dialtown Personality Quiz !
cw: mentions of blood, cuts, scars, bruises, randy being a brave boy as you look after him, randy being attacked by swans, i guess? also there's hugging lol
characters: reader x randy
reader is (phone/typewriter): any!

"Gosh, Randy. What happened to you?" You asked with worry. Your boyfriend Randy just got home from work, without his usual hand bandages on. His hands were completely bloodied with cuts, scars and bruises, it looked like he just killed someone. He whimpered, sobbing quietly so you couldn't hear and frantically wiping the tears from his face.

"A swan ripped the bandages off my hands and I had n-no money for new ones." Randy said, shaking a little and lightly stroking his wounds. You sighed, grabbing a few left over bandages and tissues Randy had near his bed. Randy watched you as you did so, smiling softly.

"You poor thing... Here." You softly grabbed Randy's hands. He winced, clearly in pain. You shushed him as nicely as you could, swiftly dabbing a wet tissue on his cuts on his left hand to clean it up a bit. His right hand was gripping yours, as you put more pressure on his wounds, the tighter he held your hand. The tissue was completely crimson with blood when you were finished.

Both his hands were eventually clean. At this point, he was only sniffling instead of crying. You began to wrap the bandages around his hands, trying your best not to make them too tight. Randy didn't seem to stop you, so you assumed that it was all comfortable for him.

"Feeling better?" You asked him in a gentle whisper. Randy looked at his bandaged hands and smiled softly.

"Y-yes, I am. T-thanks so much, my sweet." He replied, slowly wrapping his scrawny arms around you and pulling you close. His hands lightly gripped the clothes on your back. "Thanks for looking after me.." You chuckled lightly in his embrace, leaning in and giving him a small kiss on his face.

"Of course, anything for my wonderful, brave boyfriend."

ahhh i hope this was good enough,,- again, i had no ideas so this was short and it sucked whoops
please pelas plea pleasplea request things i ask nothing more :)

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