randy x reader

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hii! sorry for not writing in a while, been really busy and stuff hhhsuhshsj- also i wrote this at 12am so sorry for any mistakes and stuff wow i REALLY need to sort this book out-
anyway here's a randy x reader because THE EXTENDED DEMO IS COMING SOON!!! Randy's full route (6+ endings) will be released early august! are you excited? IM EXCITED!!!!!
imaged credit: Dialtown Steam Page
cw: ok so!!! this fic revolves around a break-up (bc lol hi guess whaaaat B)) so yea, if that's something that makes you super uncomfy don't read this!!!
characters: reader and randy
reader is (phone/typewriter): any
You sat at the bench at the park, quietly sobbing, your head in your hands. Thoughts constantly running through your mind. To say it briefly, your (gf//bf//s/o) broke up with you recently. Why exactly was completely unknown to you, it was so out of the blue. It was hard to describe, but you felt terrible in the worst way possible. You continued to sob, looking down at the ground, not hearing the footsteps coming up near you.

"H-Hey... (Y/N)? You okay?" A whimpery voice called from behind. Still holding your face, you turned to see who called you. It was none other than Randy, and old friend of yours, he must've been at work, which was obvious by the cuts on his hands. "What's the matter? You look really upset..." he got closer, taking a seat next to you. Without a thought, you leaned into Randy, wrapping your arms around his arm, digging your face into his shoulder with a sob. He tensed up

"J-just... going through some things. at the moment. A... a break-up. I'll be f-fine." You whined. Randy relaxed a little, reaching his other hand over and patting your knee, which in his favor was the only place he could comfortably support you. He sighed lightly.

"I'm s-sorry, I'm not really... good at supporting with stuff like this. But I r-really hope you feel better soon." Randy said softly to you, now wrapping his arms around you. Your face lit up, returning the favor and hugging him back, digging your face into the crook of his neck. He tensed up a little again, guess it might've been his normal reaction to affection, but eventually he relaxed.

This was new, Randy wasn't usually this affectionate, of course he cared about you but he never hugged you, especially for this long. Maybe he's become a lot more cuddly since the last time you saw him, which was a good few months ago. Your thoughts trailed off but you were still there, in Randy's arms. He was stroking your back with his finger softly. Your crying had quietened down by now, tears still stained your face.

There was a tiny beeping noise, Randy pulled away and pulled up his sleeve, looking at his watch. "Ghhn... s-sorry I gotta go back to work." He sighed, sitting upright before leaning in, bonking you on the cheek (phone kissing again whee!!). When he realized what he did he stood up, looking back at you. "I'll uh... I'll c-catch you later." he said in a flustered mess as he ran off to another area of the park. You sat, a little stunned, but then smiled, pushing yourself up and walking home. Maybe you should start talking to Randy more, this time when he isn't busy with work. He's changed a lot, the old Randy would've never had the courage to do that.
again sorry this sucks! kind of a vent and i wrote this real early in the morning. i'll try to get to reqs soon (plus a ticket jerry x reader because yea!)!!

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