Life of Latha

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Latha is a 29 year old Indian housewife of a rich industrialist named Shankar, aged 40, who is a workaholic and money minded person. Shankar is the CEO of a Group of companies in the name of Shankar Group of Companies. He is into Sectors such as Construction, Automobiles and Cosmetic Products. Although he is very rich and affluent businessman of a repute standing in the society, he keeps his family details very personal. Both shankar and latha are from brahmin community in southern part of India and their marriage is an arranged marriage. Also they have a son Rahul aged 10.  Latha was born in an Orthodox family in southern part of Tamil Nadu in a place called Kumbakonam and her father was a Government officer and his mother is a homemaker. She was the only daughter of her parents and was pampered by them. They did not allowed her to decide anything by herself and they did what is best for their daughter. Since Latha's parents did not allow her to make any decision for herself, she grew up as a highly dependent person and she did not have many friends in school or at college. 

Latha got married at the age of 18 when she was studying her first year in BBA course in a reputed college in Kumbakonam. Her Parents agreed for the marriage even though Latha did not complete her studies since it was a very good alliance and the groom is the son of a Rich Industrialist who is a Telugu Brahmin.Although Latha was not very much interested in marriage at that time, she agreed as she did not want to disappoint her parents. she completed the course through distance education after she got married and settled in Chennai with her husband.

11 years passed by after marriage, Latha has every facilities in her life except for her husband's attention and time for her. Latha was not very much happy  with her married life since she felt so lonely being a housewife in a big villa. she felt like a caged parrot. she felt she was not independent from her childhood. She was dependent on her parents first and now her husband who is a workaholic and he did not wanted her to go for any work. He just expects her to cook, take care of the home and their son. she felt her life was very boring and monotonous and she decided it was time for her to change and to do something different. 

Shankar is a type of person who runs behinds money and neither spends quality time with his family nor takes care of his health. Latha many times requested him to take care of his health but her never listened to her. Due to Excess fat in Shankar's body he was diagnosed with cholesterol and Diabetes when Shankar was just 35. He also lost his Potency as a result. Latha got very much upset and frustrated since she desired to have 3 children but now have to stop with one. Her husband also did not support adoption. Latha also became a Sex deprived person and she tried to control her sexual urges but she was unable to do it. 

A maid by name Shanthi, aged 25, worked in the Villa of shankar. Latha is fond of Shanthi although she is from a unprivileged community who lived in a hut in the slum part of the city all alone. Shanthi is an unmarried woman and is also an orphan and this is also one of the reasons why Latha liked her a lot taking pity of her.  Latha many times asked shanthi to marry and not to worry about the marriage expenses and her husband and herself will help her with it but shanthi told that she is not interested in marriage and loves to live as an independent woman. shanthi tells she loves her life and she is not interested in marriage. This impresses Latha hearing those words from her and she is happy for Shanthi.

One day it was 1.30 PM in the afternoon and Shanthi was working, she got a phone call suddenly in her cellphone and she ran to a place as she did not want to answer the call in front of Latha. Latha saw this and was curious about the reason of this unusual behavior of Shanthi. Latha decided to overhear her conversation by hiding and she was shocked to know that shanthi is also a Prostitute at night and it was her pimp who called her to tell her the details of the customer who booked her that night. 

After finishing her phone conversation, shanthi was shocked to know that Latha overheard her conversation and her hands began to shake due to fear and she grabbed the feet of Latha and begged her not to fire her from work and she is doing prostitution to provide for her needs. Latha asked her to get up and she told shanthi that she is not angry with her and will not fire her from work. Latha told shanthi to sit down and she wants to talk to her. Shanthi was curious. Latha told shanthi that she feels her life is so boring and she wants to do something which will make herself happy. Latha continues to tell shanthi that not to feel shocked on what she is about to tell. This increased the curiosity of shanthi. Latha told her that it is sex which makes her happy and she is not getting the required sex from her husband. so, she has decided to join as a Prostitute as she has a desire of having sex with working class people who do labour work and she requested Shanthi to also take her this night for prostitution. 

This shocked  Shanthi and she told Latha that it is a very big decision and to rethink about it. she also told Latha that she is a women from high class society and she does not think it is a good idea for her to join prostitution. Also Shanthi is scared of the consequences when Latha's husband Shankar comes to know of it. Latha tells shanthi not to worry  and she is firm in her decision and she wants to be an independent woman like her. She also tells not to worry about her husband and it is her responsibility to hide this matter from her husband. Latha also told shanthi that she will give her money that she has asked before to buy a scooty for her. Shanti reluctantly agrees to it and she tells Latha to be ready at night and she will take her to her hut. Latha is excited and waits for the Night on how her Prostitution life would be.

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