A New Life.

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Latha was very much excited on how her prostitution life is going to be. She thought to herself as it is a very unique and a brave decision for a brahmin housewife like her. She was alone in her home as her husband Shankar had gone for a business trip to Dubai for about a month and as it was summer vacation for their son Rahul, he also took Rahul along with him. Latha however was not interested in foreign tours. As she was the only person in the home, she had asked other servants to take a leave for a month and she had Shanthi alone as her housemaid so that she does not feel alone.

Latha was waiting for her Maid Shanthi after Shanthi told Latha that she would get the outfit for prostitutes both for herself and Latha which is in her hut and return back that night after 9 PM to Latha's Home. It was around 9:10 PM and Latha was biting her nails in excitement and was nervous too, she was frequently looking at the door and waiting for the calling bell sound. 

It was Night 10:00 PM and Latha slept in her sofa until she was awakened by the calling bell sound. The heartbeat of Latha increased and she got to the door. She saw through the magic eye fixed through the door and it was Shanthi who has come to pick her up. Latha opened the door. 

Shanthi : Madam, I thought you have slept and thank God you are still awaken.

Latha : Oh no Shanthi, I was waiting for you for a long time and just now I slept for sometime in sofa due to tiredness.I am very Nervous and Anxious Shanthi, we will not get caught by Police, right?) 

Shanthi : I can understand you Madam, Don't worry, if we bribe the Police they won't take any action against us and this is a big network and many policemen are also involved and you don't need to worry Madam.Come on Madam, the last bus to the area where I live is to arrive shortly and we can catch the bus and go to my home.

(Both Shanthi and Latha board a bus to Shanthi's home, it was the first time Latha boards a bus after her marriage as her possessive and controlling husband does not allow her to travel by bus and has ordered her to travel only by her Mercedes Benz car).

(In the Bus Latha and Shanthi sat next to each other)

Shanthi : Madam, don't mind me asking this but are you sure you want to do this? It is very surprising that a high profile woman like you wants to do prostitution. Think twice madam since this will change your life and also you have a grown up son. Are you sure it won't affect his life?

Latha : I have made my mind Shanthi and I fed up being controlled by my dominating husband, I need freedom in my life but I can't think of divorce due to my son. I am going to charge only a small amount of Rs.10/- for my service as I know men in working class work really hard but they hardly earn Rs.200 per day and I don't want to take much money from them. I just wanted to make them sexually satisfied and be myself satisfied too by sleeping with them. I can promise that this life would not change my care that I give to my family and I going to keep this as a secret. It is my duty to ensure that my husband and son knows nothing about this and you don't worry much Shanthi (as she smiles at Shanthi looking her face)

(As the bus reached the bus stop both got down and they had a short walk to Shanthi's hut. It is the first time Latha visits Shanthi's hut)

Latha : you have maintained your hut very neatly Shanthi. Don't you feel lonely living all alone?

Shanthi : (smiles) I got used to it Madam, It was first difficult after my mother passed away and I had to live all alone in this hut. I had to take loan from loan sharks to meet my mother's medical expenses and for the only purpose of paying the exorbitant interest I had to enter prostitution (cries a bit and Latha felt pity for Shanthi)

Latha : Don't cry Shanthi, I can understand your situation, why you did not tell me about this before? I would have helped you before itself. Don't worry, Just tell me how much you have to pay the Loan shark.

Shanthi : Oh Madam, I don't want to trouble you and I felt shy to ask for money, I still owe about 10 Lakh rupees. I don't know how I am going to settle it Madam (sad face).

Latha : Don't worry Shanthi, I will pay this 10 Lakh rupees and you no longer need to do a job (prostitution) which you do not like (smiles).

Shanthi : (Shocked and amused).B....But Madam, It is a big amount, I do not want to trouble you for such a huge sum.

Latha : (Laughs) Oh Shanthi, don't worry, My Husband is a Rich and one of the leading Industrialist in this city, I am sure this is not a big deal for him and he would be glad to help you.

Shanthi: (Surprised) Oh... Madam, I do not know how to thank you. I was not expecting this and this day I cannot forget in my life (she gets tears from her eyes due to happiness) I do not know how to thank you and sir. 

Latha : that's okay Shanthi, you have been a very obedient and hardworking Maid for us for about 8 years now and sir and myself would be happy to help you.

Shanthi : Madam, I don't know what to say. c..can I hug you Madam? (with some hesitation she asks for it)

Latha : (smiles) Of course Shanthi, come here (she opens her had for the hug and they both hug each other)

Shanthi : Madam, I don't know what to tell but I feel like you are my elder sister Madam.

Latha : (smiles) don't get too emotional Shanthi and I always thought you as my sister. You can stop this profession from this moment.

Shanthi : But Madam, a customer already booked me today and he will get angry if I don't come.

Latha : Introduce me to him Shanthi, let him be my first customer.

Shanthi : But Madam, are you sure, he is a little rough guy and is a lorry driver. He is very aggressive in bed.

Latha : Don't worry about that Shanthi, I know how to handle and you just introduce me to him.

Shanthi : Okay Madam, I will give you one my saree and we both can go to his hut. (As Latha agrees shanthi took a Blue color saree and gave it to Latha. It is a sleeveless and transparent saree and Latha never wore a saree of that kind before).

(As Latha wore the saree, she felt little uncomfortable as she is not used to it but as she looked at the mirror wearing it, she started to like it a lot as she looked stunning in it!)

Shanthi : WOW Madam, you definitely look seductive in this saree and I am pretty much sure that Mani would love to spend time with you.

Latha : Thank you Shanthi, but who is Mani?

Shanthi : He is the customer I was talking about Madam. He is a lorry driver and a womanizer. He loves to booze and have sexual relationships with women. You got to be careful with him Madam as he is very wild in bed. That is the thing I am worried about. But one thing which is good about him that he never beats a women and do not touch a woman without their consent unlike other customers.

Latha : hmm, he seems an interesting character. From what you have told me, I think he is basically a good person but situation has turned him into an alcohol addict and a womanizer. Let us take an auto and go to his home, Shanthi. 

(As both Latha and Shanthi take an auto to Mani's home which is in the same slum).

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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