Is he ok?! (Chapter 9)

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Kirishima's POV
"That's classified.."

"Alrightttttt" she seemed very suspicious but I didn't think to much of it, so I let it go...for now.

No ones POV

     They waited and waited for hours and hours and hours till finally they heard yelling from the other room...panicked yelling worried yelling we heard panics from recovery girl we heard her say something that made me jump with fear it made us all worry for our classmate..

"HES DYING WE NEED TO GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP!!"   The school nurse yelled to other nurses and Aizawa. We sat there tearing up hoping he'd be ok until Sensei came out with actual tears and sniffles he seemed worried I mean who wouldn't be we heard the news but we protested like we didn't know.

"IS HE OK?!" All of screeched with tears forming in our eyes (besides Mineta he can go fuck himself)

As he was gonna speak we saw nurses with our class mate in a stretcher reaching the outside of the school and recovery girl calling 911, I couldn't help but burst out with sobs. My classmates tried to calm me but how could I my friend is hurt and possibly dying and I couldn't do anything about it. The mysterious girl then touched my shoulder she stood there staring blankly at the wall while touching was weird but I didn't care at the time, but something got off guard she was smiling widely with lil giggles in between.  "THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO LAUGH GIRL!" Yelled Mina. The girl who was then touching my shoulder had quit and looked blankly at Mina she then spoke: "watch your mouth Mina..." HOW DID SHE KNOW HER NAME?! "DON'T TELL ME  TO STAY CALM! MY FRIEND IS HURT! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" She spit out every sentence in the woman's face spitting venom every sentence she spoke hurt, but the girl stayed calm and quiet she was like a white board...blank literally.. "without me your friend would've already been dead Mina Ashido....but he's gonna be ok." She spoke rather calmly. "Did you not hear recovery girl??" Questioned a very confused Sero. "Of course I did lover boy but I know he will be ok..."

"How do you know for sure?" Sero questioned a little scared out of his pants. "That's classified." She then walked out the school heading to the hospital, we rushed after her to see our classmate.

At the Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We're here for Katsuki Bakugo.." Sensei Aizawa croaked to the receptionist lady, she gave him a small nod and smile and looked at his profile and room but quickly changed her expression. "Sorry sir Katsuki Bakugo can not be seen at the moment." This is making me furious I need to see him!

"WHAT?! Why the FUCK NOT!?" I screamed, I was just very furious I couldn't help myself.

"Shhh dude we're at a hospital!" Whispered Sero with his finger up against his lip.

"Please Kirishima respect this lady, she's only doing her job." Added Aizawa, but that's not what I wanted to hear right now.


"Sir please I'm sorry...I'm only doing my job! I can't let you see him right now. Please just sit.

" no no...NO!"

No ones POV

As Kirishima was being pulled away and shushed by Aizawa the Mysterious girl walked into a Nurses ONLY room, no one noticed she was gone. She walked in and got into the files to find Katsuki Bakugo's information. She picked up the file and read through it.

Katsuki Bakugo's Hospital File:

Full name: Katsuki Bakugo
Age: 17
Family: Mother- Mitsuki Bakugo-Alive Father- Masura Bakugo-Dead Sibling- none




Bye for now!
Because I'm running out of ideas what do you think should happen next? YOU DECIDE

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