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  Guys I have....some news...bad news about my mother.

I thought she was getting better she's not she's actually getting worse doctors lied to us saying she's getting better she'll be better soon. She's not. After a couple of months with her in the hospital

They finally told us...that they were putting drugs on her and she's dying we don't know when...I don't know when but I don't think I'll be on for a while....writing...I don't think I'll be writing for a while.. I'm sorry I really am but when I got that news it shattered me really hard my dad will be suing them for lying and hiding something Jurassic like this or we're gonna try and sue because my momma she's dying, and the sad part is I regret so much we never had a good relationship we always fought over something stupid. When I asked to see her they said no so I won't be able to say I love her or good bye...I won't be able to say goodbye to the strong and independent woman who gave birth to me or I love anymore. I'm sorry if this is sappy but it's the only place I can let out my feelings...

And I want you guys to hug your mother hug everyone you love because you don't know when they'll leave.

Bye guys.. 💔

I'll see you whenever I'm done being depressed

Again I'm sorry....

Bye for now we'll see

I love you guys 💖

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