Forever more

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Lake house. Elena opens the door. Elijah stands in front of. He can't enter it.

"I might not enter this house...but I am a very patient man... I will wait you out"- Elijah says.

"Hm..."- Elena says- "They shouldn't have done what they did..."- she looks at him with in a slightly challenging manner.

"The deal is off!!"- Elijah says.

"I am re-negotiating..."

"You have nothing left to negotiate with..."- he says in a stern manner.

Elena shows a dagger.

"I'd like to see you lure Klaus in Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death..."- she retorts.

"Stefan won't let you die..."- Elijah says smug.

"No...he won't...he will feed me his blood to heal me and then I will kill myself and become a vampire just like Katherine did..."- she says waiting for his reaction.

She can see that he is rethinking it. She continues.

"So unless you won't this happen again...promise you promised me will not harm anyone I love...?!"

"No, Elena... I have to call your bluff..."

Elena stabs herself.

"AHHH"- she screams.

Elena woke up  in a shot  looking around the room.

"It was a dream....?!"- she gasped realizing it after a few seconds seeing she was in her bed in her New York apartment. Then she looked at the clock. It was 2 p.m.

"This needs to stop..."- she muttered to herself and then got up. Went to the kitchen to get some juice.

Then her mind swayed to the  vampire clan and its attmept to raise the prehistoric vampire, whose blood would make them more vigilant and dangerous.

"A whole new species will be made..."- Elena remembered Liv explaining what would happen if the clan manages to raise him.


"I have to talk to you, Elena"- her mother came to her one day. It was a lovely summer afternoon, a few days before her birthday.

"Ok..."- Elena said and sat down on the porch of their house in Mystic Falls.

"You know that you are special..."

"Mom...stop it...what is going have the same look when something bad happened..."- Elena said.

Isobel sighed.

"Oh my's not's different... it's about you"

Elena's phone rang bringing her away from thoughts of the past.

"Liv?!"- Elena said simply.

"It's a fake..."- the witch said- "should have known..."

"Do we know where it will be?"- Elena then asked

"You guess is as good as mine... we have nothing to conects me with the clan now..."- Liv said.

"Right..."- Elena said sighing.

"Are you all right?"

"'s the dreams... had one again... I am fine... oh...I feel like the order of the universe is changing... "

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