1. Clarity

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It's not the end of the world, Marinette thought to herself, besides Luka is here. Marinette tried focusing on the music but her ears kept straining to hear Adrien's laughter. Well, Kagami's too.

Even with so many classmates in front of her, she couldn't help but sense Adrien's presence. Pathetic.

"You never told how you fell in love with him," Luka said, still strumming, eyes closed. Marinette couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He wasn't even looking at her and he knew what she was thinking about. Well, he is Luka, the magic sensor of emotions. That or her Adrien vibes were obviously too strong.

She sighed, "I actually hated him when I first met him," she said softly. She smiled, recalling how stupid had been for labeling him as another rich snob so quickly. She can never forget his laugh when the umbrella fell on her or his sincerity to be her friend.

"And soon you'll be smiling like this when you think about your love for him," Luka said, looking at her.

She looked down, too guilty to face him. He was a perfectly fine boy, a total gentleman actually, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings, but the thought of getting over Adrien made her heart physically hurt. It's been almost two years and she's gotten nowhere.

"You know Marinette, sometimes when I strum a tune, I can't seem to finish it till I understand why I was playing it in the first place," Luka said.

Marinette's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tried to comprehend his musical analogy. Strumming a tune? Was he referring to Adrien?

The guitar strum stopped and the silence was filled up by his words instead. 

"When I was forming your tune, all I could think about was your kindness, selflessness and beauty. You already were a perfect tune, I just didn't know where it started."

Marinette wondered if it was possible for her cheeks to combust from heating up too much. Luka chuckled and said, "I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I guess all I'm trying to say is that you already are a strong melody. You don't need to harmonize when you stand out so clearly."

Marinette stared at the river, trying to figure out if this was another compliment or more advice about moving on from Adrien. Mostly both.

"If I'm such a clear note, why do I feel the need to be joined by another one?" she asked. She could feel his eyes looking at her intently but she didn't have the courage to look back into them.

"Because what makes a note so clear is the silence surrounding it," he said. She wondered if she heard him right and suddenly, she flushed. She was the clear note and she needed someone to be her silence. She stared at him in shock, slowly transforming into complete awe. A strong silence....who is he referring to?

He smiled at her as though she got caught at a crime scene.

Suddenly his phone rang, a message from Anarka asking him to bring the shipments from the local music store. Since Juleka wasn't needed he left her with Rose and before leaving, he said to Marinette, "A clear note like you needs a good build up to be caught by silence. Your happiness and comfort is what matters most, Marinette. Focus on those first."

Marinette sat there for a few more minutes in total confusion before finally throwing her away her ice cream and walking across the bridge, narrowly avoiding Adrien and Kagami. Her heart dropped to her stomach just thinking about the two of them, so she tried to leave without being noticed.

"Hey girl, you okay?" Alya said placing a hand on her shoulder "I'll be fine," Marinette said sadly, "I think I just need some time alone." Alya nodded and gave her a hug before leaving with Nino.

Marinette was halfway across the bridge before Adrien called her. "Marinette!" he called. Adrien? ADRIEN? Of all people, like OF ALL PEOPLE, he had to call her. Her heart stopped as he stood in front of her, hair tousled from the short jog. A sweet smile played on his lips which were saying her name...she realized she was staring at them. The thought of Kagami put her back into her senses.

"Oh h-hey Adrien," she said weakly, "I thought you were with Kagami."

"Oh she just left. Didn't she tell you?" he said, pointing his thumb over his back. Marinette shook her head.

"Oh that's weird," he said puzzled for a moment. "Anyways, I have the rest of the afternoon free and Nino left with Alya, so would you like to come over for video games?"

Marinette couldn't believe her ears. Adrien just asked her to hang out with him. He asked her.  For video games. At his house. Alone. "Uh..." Marinette muttered, unable to form sentences but this time it wasn't because she was flustered like she usually was around Adrien. She stayed blank for a few more seconds, trying to remember how to communicate and not look like an idiot at the same time

"What's wrong ? Everything okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

How will she ever get over him? Marinette couldn't stop appreciating how caring he was. He was so...Adrien: kind, cute and unfailingly selfless. He was what a perfect friend could be pictured as not something more. He deserves a headstrong, determined girl Kagami to be his equal, not some love struck, gawky girl like Marinette. Luka was right, even though he called Marinette a clear note, she couldn't possibly be the perfect silence for a clarity like Adrien. She wasn't enough for him.

"Marinette?" Adrien said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Marinette looked up only to realize she had been looking down the entire time. After all the time they've spent together he wants to hang out with her now. She exhaled deeply, feeling unprepared for what she was going to say. Well, that was her scenario with any conversation with Adrien except way less dreadful.

"I'm fine Adrien," she said as sweet as possible, "I actually have a ton of homework so I can't come today."

"Oh," Adrien said, putting his hand down, "It's fine. Maybe another time?"

Marinette forced herself to nod, feeling all the energy draining out of her. At least she wasn't going to spend every free minute doing something for him now.

"Bye Adrien. See you at school," she said, turning around. She was so lost in the silence of her thoughts, she didn't realize he was saying something.

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