Smile For The Camera

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Jungkook's Pov

Ever since we found out BTS were going to be performing at the Grammys, that's all anyone could talk about.

Army freaked out and were sending us their congratulations and good lucks. God I hope they know how much we love and appreciate them.

"Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred." I panted, doing my final situp before collapsing on the ground.

Our new temporary dorm had a private gym in the basement, so naturally I fell in love with it.

Soft giggles made me tiredly lift my head up. Speaking of other things I fell in love with...

Jimin stood by the gym door in a familiar Tigers shirt with the number fifty eight on it. My boyfriend also had on really tight shorts but I'm not gonna talk about that right now.

"Is that the same shirt I wore a few years ago?" I asked, still shocked that it was still wearable. I thought I gave it away or something?

"You know we have a photoshoot in forty five minutes right?" Jimin said, completely ignoring my question. I shrugged it off.

"Yeah I know, but I just wanted to get in a quick workout before that." I answered. Jimin rolled his eyes before bending down and capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.

"How come there aren't any camera's here?"

"They filmed me working out like an hour ago. That'll give the fans a good show." I winked. My boyfriend huffed cutely and laid down on the wooden floor with his arms crossed.

I crawled over him and groaned when my muscles made a "cracking" sound. "You're so stiff Kookie." Jimin frowned, peering up at me.

I was now hovering over him, my breathing already shallow from the intense two hour training.

"How about tonight I give you a massage?" He suggested. "That sounds like heaven baby, thank you." I replied as I bent down to give him a light peck.

And that's how the rest of the workout went.

Every time I dipped down, I kissed my boyfriend, who happily lay there as I did a few pushups over him.

Jimin even suggested that I bench press him! But we we were running out of time so we rushed back upstairs, where our stylists and band members were waiting for us irritatedly.

"Finally! We were waiting for like half an hour!" Taehyung complained. I noticed that he and everyone else were dressed neatly with their makeup and hair already done....

"And oh god, you're all sweaty! I don't even wanna know what you guys were doing down there!" Hoseok added, clearly still looking back at the past.

"It was ONE time Hoseok hyung! It's not my fault you phoned at the wrong time and anyway, you know we were working out, that's why we're all sweaty." I said before getting pushed onto a chair by one of the stylists, along with Jimin.

"It scarred me for LIFE!" Hoseok shuddered. Yoongi threw a crisp at his boyfriend in an attempt to shut him up.

The stylists gave us some suit-like clothes to wear and after that, applied some light makeup with earrings and of course a choker for Jimin.

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