Make Me Forget

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Author's Pov

"Why are we here again?"

"You wanted to meet my father didn't you? Well this is where he works." Yoongi responded dryly, walking to the reception with his youngest boyfriend trailing behind him.

"Can I help you, sir?" The receptionist smirked, twirling her dirty blonde hair in an attempt of flirting. Taehyung glared whilst Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to see Mr Min." He drawled. "He's having a meeting with one of his clients, perhaps I could keep you company while you wait?" She continued to flirt.

Yoongi chuckled, leaning down so he's inches away from her face. He puts his index finger under her chin and whispered in her ear.

"I get dicked down by two of my boyfriends on a daily basis and one of them is behind me, trying not to kill you so I'd watch my words if I were you."

Yoongi pulled away, grabbing his boyfriends hand and dragging him to the elevator, leaving the receptionist, who now had her mouth agape as she tried to register what the fuck just happened.

As soon as the doors of the elevator closed, Taehyung pinned his boyfriend against the cold metal.

"You have some nerve flirting with that bitch in front of me." Tae growled. "I didn't flirt, I simply told her I was already happy with two dicks up my ass." The shorter huffed.

"Still, just wait till Hoseok hears about this." Taehyung said smugly. Both boys knew how possessive he was, so Yoongi was probably in for it big time.

"Speaking of Hobi, where is he?" Yoongi asked, pressing the number fifteen on the keypad. "He texted me saying he'd be here in about twenty minutes. He and Minho got spotted by some fans so they're taking a detour."

"Honestly he could've picked a better day to visit his friend." Yoongi grumbled. Taehyung chuckled, planting a kiss on the elders neck.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

"No way! It's not like I'm telling my dad I'm gay with two boyfriends that also happen to be my bandmates!" Yoongi responded sarcastically. Taehyung cooed, bringing in his pouty lips for a kiss.

"You're so fucking cute I swear. Even if your dad doesn't accept us, Hobi and I will always be there for you sweetheart, I promise." Yoongi cracked a small smile at his boyfriends words.

Suddenly the elevator came to a stop, meaning they had reached the fifteenth floor where Yoongi's father worked.

The rapper took a deep breath and led Taehyung down the hallway to his dads office.

The two arrived and of course, being Yoongi (who apparently had to much swag to knock) entered the room like he owned the place. After all, his dad was only talking to a client.

Well....talking might not be the right word.


Taehyung walked in after his boyfriend and immediately wished he had tagged along with Hoseok, instead of seeing his boyfriends father pull out of some lady wearing fishnet stockings and-

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