Chapter 22:

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Alisha Jones
Savannah Georgia

"Alisha ." Bailey said stopping me .

"yes ?" I asked as I rolled my eyes .

"we need you to stay over time ." she said

"what for ?" I asked .

"because your new and you need the experience." she shrugged .

"Look I've been here for over 12 hours I have a husband and a 10 year old at home waiting for me you'll have to find someone else ." I said

"this is what's wrong with you people , what? you think just because you have a nice fancy car , big house , that you better than us here ? well let me tell you some-

"no let me tell you something if you don't walk away now you'll be choking on them last words bitch ." Taylor said as she stepped in front of me , I looked around her and waved .

"that's cute . Tell me again how you and Alisha know each other taylor ?" Bailey smirked .

"bye bailey." I said she scoffed and walked away and I took a deep breath .

"when I say I can't stand her ." Taylor mumbled.

"Thanks, why you on this floor ?" I asked .

"I had to drop some paper work off , how long she been giving you trouble?"

"since I got here ." I said .

"don't let her get to you she old and bitter ." Taylor said as she put papers in a bin .

"I see ." I said .

"how are you ?" she asked .

"I'm fine ." I shrugged .

"you don't have to pretend with me , I know pain ." she said with a small smile .

"it's annoying you know , everyone moving on with their lives like what happened to me never happened ." I said as we walked outside.

"I'm sorry for your loss I couldn't imagine losing a child the way you did ." she said .

"the funeral was beautiful it was something I felt that was meant for just me and Leon ." I said .

"I'm glad you both found peace , and aren't blaming Elijah and the boys for what happened ." Taylor said .

"yeah." I said with a small smile, I don't blame Elijah or the boys. I blame myself if I would have listened to my parents when they told me Kendall is trouble I wouldn't be in the predicament I'm in now , all that follows them is pain but because of my choices I have to deal with it . I drove home and Leon's car was there which was surprising because it was only twelve and he usually gets home about six or five . I unlocked the door and he was sitting there drinking Hennessy out the bottle .

"your home early ." I said as I went to the kitchen and washed my hands and he didn't answer . I walked over to him and sat down and he kept looking straight ahead . "Leon are you okay ?" I asked as I turned his face so he could face me .

"I got fired lisha ." he said and took another sip .

"what why ?" I asked .

"complaints of me sexually harassing children ." he said as he teared up and cleared his throat .

"that's wrong you love all those kids it has to be a mistake." I said .

"their opening up an investigation on me alisha .. the head investigator is detective McNeal ." he said and my heart dropped .

"listen to me do not interfere with the investigation okay -

"Baby we both know what's gonna happen next ." he said as he caressed my cheek and I shook my head as tears began falling and I wiped them angrily .

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