~ 18💕😈

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Previously on "YOLO!"

Payton walked in, closed the door behind him and walked over to you. He was right in your face, your lips your so close to touching and then he stepped back. Je was teasing you and you knew it.

Y/n | Asshole, come upstairs I have to finish packing

When you and Payton went upstairs and you were packing, you noticed that he was looking at the dress in your suitcase.

P | Are you wearing that to the party for influencers

Y/n | Uh. . .yea

P | Damn *he bit his lip*

Y/n | Woah buddy, calm down

P | Sorry. . .

After 10 minutes you finished packing and it was about to be 2:00pm. You and Payton just decided to watch a scary movie even though you still hated them.


P | We're leaving at 4:00 right?

Y/n | Yea

P | Awe man, I have to go get my bags now

Y/n | Let's go get them

P | You can drive?

Y/n | No duh! I have a car, I just don't like to drive because Chase is my personal driver, kinda.

You and Payton laugh

You grabbed your bags and walked outside to your car. You tossed all your bags into the trunk.

*Time Skip to when you get to Payton's house*

Payton had already put his bags in your car and you waited for him to come back inside. The only person home was his sister faith, his Mom was at work.

F = Faith

F | Hey, I'm faith nice to meet you

Y/n | Hi, I'm (your name)

F | Oh *looks at payton* so this is (your name)

Payton comes back inside

P | not right now *mumbles in anger*

F | Ok ok calm down, I'm going to a friends house. Bye guys!

Faith left and it was just you and Payton. He brought you up to his room and you plopped on top of his bed.

Y/n | This is a room

P | What

You walked over to him and leaned near his ear

Y/n | This is a room *whispers*

You leaned back and looked at him

P | We're about to leave

Y/n | It's only like 2:47

P | Are u sure we should do this now?

Y/n | Your sister left

P | I know bu-

You kissed him and then pulled away

P | What if we're late

Y/n | But Daddy, we won't be

P | Awe man, I was just beginning to be holy again *smirks*

You could see the lust fill up in Payton's eyes. He wanted you, he really wanted you and you already knew you wanted him. But then you remembered that you're a virgin.

"YOLO!" you thought to yourself
AAAAH HEY GUYS I'M BACK. You guys most likly didn't miss me😒! But I missed you guys, and I love you guys💕! The break didn't really help for me being a sad sap but I'll be ok😚!

Also should I make a "stepbro" series🤭! Answer in the comments, Imma make myself a milshake 😂 and then I'm gonna post the next chapter!

YOLO! [Payton Moormeier]Where stories live. Discover now