A Chilling Farewell

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Chapter 5: A Chilling Farewell

At lunch Monday I'm sitting at my table in the cafeteria. I had successfully managed to avoid all of the Rhodes boys today, but was worried because in here there was no place to hide. Travis reaches across the table to steal a french fry from my plate.

"Hey!" I say, failing to snatch it back. "That's mine, get your own!" He smirks as Cayden snakes his hand around Ashlynn to steal another one. I punch him in the shoulder, making him laugh. Besides Ashlynn, most of my friends are guys. They're less... well bitchy. I sit at the end of the table with Ashlynn on my right. Next to her is Cayden. Across from me sits Jackson, Evan, and Travis. They all eye me suspiciously as Travis lunges for another fry. I pull my tray away in time, only for it to get snatched by Cayden. "What is going on?!" I ask them, hungry and frustrated. Evan speaks up, everyone in on some joke I am not.

"You'll get it back when you tell us what happened." He informs me, watching my reaction carefully. I tilt my head innocently.

"What do you mean?" He sighs in response as Jackson carries the conversation on.

"You came and left with Chase Rhodes last Friday." I roll my eyes and fail to grab my food back.

"Guys! It was seriously nothing!" I look around at their faces, watching Ashlynn stare at her food. Sensing my gaze, she looks over to me.

"Look, I couldn't help it!" She puts her hands up as if to surrender. "I was forced to spill." I scrunch my eyebrows together and ask suspiciously,

"Everything?" She shakes her head quickly much to the boy's dismay.

"No, just the Chase part." Despite the suspicious statement, everyone breathes in relief as I relax back into my seat. But my lunch is still a hostage and I glare at Travis and give in.

"What do you want to know?"
"Details." So I reluctantly tell them about the rose bush, my mother's outrageous plan, the car chase, and the overheard conversation. The whole dirty ordeal. When I finish, Jackson lets out a low whistle and my food is thankfully returned. For several long seconds they just stare at me as I squirm under their gazes

"I really wish you were able to stay with one of us but..." Evan starts guiltily, trailing off. I stop him, understanding how he probably feels.

"I know. It's fine. I'll figure it out." They all stare at me with pity and I hate it. You might all be thinking, Oh Toni, why don't you just stay at one of their houses? But that was unfortunately out of the question. Jackson's family was to catholic to let a girl stay over, Cayden's parents were currently struggling, and both Travis and Evan simply had no room for my sister and I to stay long term. Ashlynn, on the other hand, had a completely different situation. Her and her dad currently live in a trailer park. Her dad was out of town so Kat and I were able to sleep there last night. But I knew that arrangement wouldn't last long. "I'll see if I can rent a trailer at Ashlynn's place." I assure them. They remain unconvinced and I fling a fry at Jackson across from me. "Stop looking at me like that." Cayden sighs next to him.

"If you ever need anything, we're here for you, okay?" He promises, dodging another fry. I just nod in response.


Ashlynn takes me to pick up my car that afternoon, and I am extremely grateful.

I swear to never again take owning a vehicle for granted. After retrieving Kathrine we ride up to the repair shop.

"What do you mean it's not here?" I ask the clerk currently on shift.

"It was sold several hours ago." He says cautiously, glancing at my paperwork again.

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