Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Music played in the background as Y/N got onto the boat. People were dancing and having the time of their lives. She walked past a bunch of reporters, who started taking pictures and complimenting her attire and new hairstyle. She smiled and thanks them as she gets on the boat. Once she was on the boat, the first thing she went to do was look for Carlos. She eventually found him on the left side of the ship, waiting for her arrival. He turned to his left and his eyes widened. He took in her breath-taking appearance. She had on a red dress with red heels and her hair was now bright orange. She smirked

Y/N: You like it?

He smiled, took her hand and kissed it

Carlos: I love it babe

He kissed her and she kissed back as she wrapped her hands in his hair once more. Before things could escalate, Doug coughed

Doug: Are you 2 gonna kiss all night? Mal's coming out soon

The now orange-haired girl pulled away from her boyfriend as he chuckled and put a hand around her waist as the three of them walked over to Evie. Lumiere stood at the top of the stairs

Lumiere: The future Lady Mal!

As soon as he said that, Mal walked in with a yellow and blue dress on while her hair was in a braid. Evie cupped her mouth in happiness and Y/N smiled brightly while everyone applauded. Mal had a small chat with Ben's parents before walking towards Evie and the rest of the gang. She was smiling the whole time and Y/N felt so very happy for her. She had this small feeling in her heart that something was about to go wrong, but she brushed it off as nothing. Today was a happy occasion

Lumiere: King Ben!  

The crowd turned to face the king, who walked in and started making his way down the stairs. Evie whispered to Mal "Go get him" and pushed her forward. Ben walked passed his parents to Mal. He looked nervous as he bowed down in front of her, who bowed back

Ben: Mal, I wish I had time to explain

Suddenly, a girl appeared at the top of the stairs. Y/N glared at her as she whispered

Y/N: Uma

The whole crowd stared in shock as the pirate walked down the stairs in a turquoise dress and her braids in a neat bun. When she reached the bottom. Ben held Uma's hand and kissed a familiar ring on her finger. Mal's ring. Mal could only stare in shock as they walked towards her

Ben: I'm sorry, it all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma... A connection

Mal: What are you saying?

She asked in disbelief

Ben: I'm saying--

Uma: It was love!

Y/N felt herself tune them out. How could Ben do this to Mal? Her best friend? Her sister? Her everything?! His everything?! Mal told Y/N earlier that Ben told her he loved her, but she didn't say it back. Something was off, but Y/N couldn't put her finger on it. Next thing she knew "Kiss the Girl" was playing in the background as Ben and Uma were waltzing to it

Carlos: Not too thrilled I risked my life for him

Lonnie: We're here for you Mal

Jay: Let's get outta here

Y/N grabbed Mal's left arm and Evie grabbed the right. Jane ran past them and whispered into Lumiere's ear

Jane: Lumiere, unveil the gift! They need to see it!

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