new start

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(Just a disclaimer;i'm just writting this cause i'm bored and if anyone reads this at all pls forgive me for my wrong grammar or misspellings)


Characters dialouge:

Nagato's pov

it was dark.i can't move my body and a certain beeping can be heard.i thought to myself

'might aswell get up'

so i opened my eyes and looked at the source of the sound only to see that the time on the alarm clock is 8:48

"Shit! i'm gonna be late for class!"

I shout before getting out of bed and quickly wearing my uniform and running downstairs.I picked a toast and put it in my mouth before opening the door and locking it before sprinting to school

'Am i going to make it? I should take the shortcut'

I thought before making a sharp turn to a nearby alley I then climbed up a trash can and lift myself up the fence.after i jumped down from the fence i ran as fast as i can straight before turning right and exited the alley only to bump into someone


I looked up to see a dude who i assume to be in a gang from his looks i get up to apologize only to be greeted with a fist to the face

The dude:watch where you're you know who i am i'm-

Before he could finish i ran as fast as i can past him before throwing a 20 bucks and saying

"Sorry i'm in a rush"

I can almost see the school gates i just have to cross the i stop to wait for the light to turn green i see a girl running after her dog which is on the road i then see a truck heading straight for the girl.without a second i jumped and pushed the girl out of the way.


I thought to myself before hearing bones cracking then darkness.

I awoke from the darkness only to be greeted with a old man sitting on a chair looking at me before saying

Old man:i see that you're awake and before you ask who i am.I'm what you call a god and i wilk transport you to another world called remnant and i'm sorry! I can't put you in the world where all of your people where reborn

"I this is one of those isekai"

Old man:pretty much.and now i shall determine your value

"Value? Like how much i worth?"

Old man:kinda.a individual will have something like points determining how they been in their life for example;if you've been good you have more value and if you've been bad you've have less and with those points you can use to trade for skills and stats

"Sounds cool.then how many points do i have?"

Old have 59

"Only 59 what is the highest points anyone has recieve?"

Old man:116 i think.don't worry you can still buy skills with your points and choose wisely

A huge tabloid came down and with writing it shows which skills i can buy

S rank skills-50 points

Time manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Mind control
Unbeatable strength

A rank skills-40 points

Fire and ice
Shadow control
Light control
Barrier master

B rank skills-30 points

Weapon master
Weapon smith
Monster tamer
Lustful urges
Slave tamer

C rank skills-20 points

Enhance regenration
Aceleration and deceleration control
Archery master
Curse master

D rank skills-10 points

Super memory
Hand of thieves
Enhance vision
Nimble feet

Stats increase-1 point per stat increase



Old man:so...what do you think?

"Pretty interesting but why is foresight on d rank?

Old man:it can oly predict one second ahead

"Ohhh...seems useful...and what about aceleration and decelaration control?

Old man:you can just increase the speed or slow down something


Old man: so have you decided on which skills you'll pick and which stats you increase?

"Yeah i've decided...i'll pick acceleration and deceleration control,foresight,super memory,hands of thieves, and put 3 on stamina 3 on luck and 3 on speed"

Old man: so 3 d rank skills and 1 c rank skill...why not a higher rank skill like s rank?

"Meh...not suited for me"

Old man:then i shall now transport you to the world of remnant and don't worry you will understand the language there and now i shall bid you farewell

With a snap of his fingers everything disappeared and darkness only remained.suddenly light returns and you awoke in a forrest it seems

isekai into remnant (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now