trying to live in a new world

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(Sorry for wrong grammar and misspelling if anyone is reading this)

Characters dialouge:

Nagato's pov

After getting transported to this new world i stand up and stretch my body and start to wander through the forest.and after a while of adventuring in a straight line i stop to rest

"Ohh yea i have skills...i should test them...hmmm how do i activate a skill"

I think of which skill i should use that could help me in my current situation and the only acceleration and deceleration control seems to only usefull in my current state...i'll try to activate it by voice

"Accelerate and decelerate control activate"

Suddenly a light blue aura covers my body for a second before dispersing into air

"Did it work?*sprints to the forrest*...i dont seem to be faster or slower.I guess i failed"

I suddenly thought of the idea to cast it into something.i look through my sorroundings only to see trees,leaves,sticks and rocks.i picked up a pretty decent rock and try to use my skill on it

"Acceleration and deceleration control activate"

As the light blue aura engoulf me i focus it and try to channel it to the rock and to my suprise the light blue aura was being sucked by thry rock and it starts to shine a light blue tint.I throw the rock only to disapointed that the rock seems to travel test if it worked i grab another rock and throw it without my skill only to fly the same as with my skill

"Why didn't it work!?whatever, i'll try and try until i know how to use my abillities"

Timeskip to what feels like a long time

"Finally i figured out how to use my abillities in someway.And now i'll continue on my jour--"

*growls from the bushes*

"What's that?! Should i take a look or pretend i didn't hear that?...i'm not taking my chances"

I say before running away from it after i got about 5 feet away from the bush i see a wolf but and it ain't a normal wolf it was like demon or a monster a froze in place as it try to claw me but i dodge in time i then use my abillity foresight and now my eyes are glowing a light blue glow. i then dodge all of its attack trying to find a weakness

'Shit how long can i keep this up. i need to find an opening'

I then find a broken sword on the ground and grab it and run at the wolf demon trying to dodge all its attack but it got a hit on me with its claws on me left shoulder but just close enough for me to slash its head with the sword.the sword then shatters before cutting through half of its neck but still enough to kill it.I then use whats left of the sword to cut enough fabric on my clothes to cover the bleeding wound on my shoulder.with it being patched i continue on my journey eventually it gets dark but enough to see my surounding and i see a wooden shack in an oppening.i answer i then look at the window and see no one is inside and a i bust open the door to see the insides of my temporary shelter to get through the night. I see a bed,a table and a chair and cabinets and drawers.i look from through the cabinets for food and medicine to cure my wound and find canned tuna and what seems to be medicine in a bottle.i sniff the medicine and read the what its use for.after a while i decide to use on my wound only to be suprised that it already healed and my stomach started growling

"Guess i should eat first before going to bed"

I open the canned tuna and it seems that it has not expired yet so i ate it all before laying on the bed and drift to sleep

Timeskip to morning

I woke up due to sunlight beaming at my face through a window

"I guess time to continue and find a town... maybe"

I get up from bed stretching my arms and legs before leaving the shack and continue going trough the same direction

What seems to be half of a day of walking.i finally found a town and decided to explore only to be suprised when i see some of the people have animal ears and tail i was suprised at first but paid no attention and walk for like half an hour looking like an idiot before asking a group of people on where's the library.i went to the directions i'm told and there stood the building.i went inside and read books for a while before my stomach grumble.i stood up and walk out to look for a place to eat only to notice a big problem

'I don't have money!'

I then went to a park and sat on a bench deciding on what to do.i then remember i had the skill "hands of thieves" and decided to steal a small amount of money just enough to eat and replace my clothes.with the plan on action i steal about 56 lien and went to burger stall and eat 2 burger and buy some clothes.after that i'm broke and went looking for a job around town until i see a place called "dust till dawn"

"I'll try working here"

I went inside and see a old man who i assume to be the owner.i ask if i could work for him and he starts questioning me on what i can do.i just said manual labor and got a job.the old man is pretty nice he let me sleep at the storage room and i got a day off at the weekends.i am happy at my new life in another world.

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