Chapter 3.

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"Oh thank the gods, Jason it's me, Lia, the girl from the restaurant the other night?" I spoke hastily, peaking around the corner, checking if the coast was still clear.

"Oh, uh, yeah, hi." There was a pause on his end of the line, "Did the dude do something to you, you sound kind of panicked?" His voice was panicked now, like he was seriously worried about me. Well of course he is, he is a Lakean- the kindest alien here.

"Mhm," I nodded, hiding behind the wall again then widen my eyes, "Nooo, that's not it, I'm not even with him, it's- it's something else." He's silent, waiting for me to continue, "I'm kind of like, in trouble-"

I cut myself off as I hear footsteps, many footsteps. My curiosity getting the better of me, I peeked around the corner, and I swear one of the police force officers saw me. I turned quickly, and the side of my head hits against the cold brick wall. I bit down a wince as I listened to Jason again, feeling the sting at my temple rise a bit.

"Okay, what's going on?" I hear them yelling about if anyone saw my face, knew who I could be, what I was doing, or where I had went. All things wrong expect for what I was doing.

"Are you off?" I whisper into the phone, closing my eyes tightly.

"Today is my day off, yeah-" I cut him off quickly as I rasp into the phone.

"Where do you live?" I hear footsteps again, but they begin to fade. They're leaving.

"Uh, South of the FDC, past all of the alley ways, last house of the street, can't miss it." He must already know that I was trying to come over. I hung up, shoving my phone back into my purse as I made my way out of the ally. Cautiously, I looked down the street towards the FDC. Can't go back that way for a while.

Without a second thought, I booked it to where Jason said he'd be. All of the houses were look-alikes, like every other house in this stupid world, only the color of them were different, but there was a house at the dead end street that was totally different. It wasn't a one story house like everyone else, it was a two story, and the boards were bent out of place- probably from water damage. The windows on the house either had cracks on them, or were dusted over. This had to be it though, it was the end of the street, and it was the last house.

I walked up the driveway, and I noticed the grass was actually real, not that fake, carpet like "grass" everybody else had in their yards. This must have been such an old home. I was finally at the doorstep, and I knocked three times- waiting and hoping that it was the right house. The door creaked open, and my eyes snapped up from when they lingered to my shoes.

"Oh- Lia, you're- you're bleeding!" Jason yelled frantically, and yanked me into his house. The buzzing of his fingers started again. He snatched his hand away, cradling it into his chest as the buzzing started to die down, "I am so-sorry Lia..." He whispered out. I nodded slowly, accepting his apology for whatever it was that he was apologizing for since my head was throbbing after I took knowledge that I was bleeding.

"Lia, I am ser-serious, your head is bleeding really badly," I could tell that he was really worried and was trying not to stutter. I put my fingers up to my temple slowly, and I hissed through my teeth, feeling a burning sensation on my head. Jason was shaking as he rubs his side of the head, on his temple. When I pulled my fingers away, there was a lot of blood on my fingers, and I started to shake.

"I-I think I'm going to be sick," I muttered as the room around me started to turn. Jason jumped, the Lakean in him triggered something, and he grabbed my hand- forgetting about his buzzing fingers that grew more and more warm the longer he touched my skin- dragging me through his, surprisingly, very neat home and up the stairs. I was too worried about the police force finding me and about the blood on the side of my head.

"Just-just calm down Lia, I got a first aid kit in the bathroom." His face was flushed red, and he pulled me into a nice, warm and cozy restroom, "Stay still Lia." He whispered, and I nodded, letting my eyes drift closed, but that was a bad idea because he shook my shoulders and started yelling in a baby like way, "LIA NO! LIA NO DON'T DIE!" I flinched from having sensitive ears. I forced my eyes to stay open.

"Okay, finished." Jason whispered as he finished applying a bandage to my temple. He was telling me through the clean up process of all of the blood while I was trying to keep the nausea feeling to myself, that I wouldn't need stitches but it would be a scar- a faint one.

"Thanks Jason," I mumbled, washing the dried up blood off of my fingers and arm where it had dripped and where I touched it. His eyes were still worried as I stared into the small, square mirror above the white sink, so I flashed a small smile.

"Thought you were going to black out on me," He sighed, putting away all of the medical things into the cabinet.

"Uh, Jason?" I asked feeling a million questions run through my mind as I ran my fingers over the bandage, and remembering the buzzing and his stutters and his baby like ways.

"Yeah?" Jason's eyes lit up as I said his name, turning to him; still in the bathroom that was getting to warm for two people to be standing in together.

"Why do your hands buzz?" I tilted my head to the side which doesn't help the starting headache, but I leave my head in the little position. He began to blush, which I did find a bit childish- it was just a question.

"You know nothing of Lakean's do you?" His hand was twisting and fidgeting with the other as his blush grew deeper. Jason's eyes were looking from me and all over the bathroom like he was trying to not make eye contact.


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