Chapter One

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What's up Gaz" Howard asked his mate. "You've been a right moody git recently"
Gary stood up and looked over to Howard and snapped back "I'm fine, ok!"
Mark, who'd been slumped in his chair, half dozing, opened his eyes and looked from Howard to Gary, "Well, you have been a bit moody Gary" He said in defence of Howard but not wanting to say the wrong thing.
"A bit?!" Howard scoffed at Mark's reply.
"Move over Victor Meldrew, here's Gary Barlow!" he continued, laughing at his own joke.
Jason sighed and looking genuinely concerned at his friend and said, "You have been a bit quiet Gaz. Is there anything we can help with?"
Rob watched silently, then said "You do seem very tense, mate"
He'd noticed Gary was grinding his teeth, a habit he had when he was uncomfortable about something.
Gary sat back down in his chair, leaned back and closed his eyes, sighing noisily.
Rob decided to try and lighten the mood and started talking about the latest gossip on the internet, specially twitter. The lads started laughing about all the mad rumours about themselves. Gary joined in the joking and It seemed to do the trick as everyone started to relax and they were able to move on to the main reason they were there, which was to discuss the next album.
Mark was relieved that the tense moment was over for now. He knew the real reason for Gary's moodiness. He was being stalked by someone on twitter. Gary had blocked the "fan" but he'd recently had some sinister tweets again apparently from another tweeter but Gary suspected it was the same person. He had contacted the police. The police said they'd monitor the tweets and would ask twitter to trace where they were from.

Mark suggested to Gary that he should just delete his twitter account but Gary didn't want to upset his real fans and followers on twitter. It was useful for gauging the fans opinions about TT stuff and he enjoyed chatting to them aswell.
The rest of the afternoon continued in a much more relaxed way. They'd got together to discuss the next album. Gary said he'd got some cracking ideas for the backing tracks and Howard mentioned he had some ideas too. Gary was pleased to hear him say this as Howard wasn't always as confident about his contributions to the music as he should be. The others talked excitedly about their ideas for the lyrics and melodies. It looked like it would be a very positive and creative time for them when they got in the studio.
It was early spring and the light streamed into the conservatory of Gary's house, where they'd been sitting for the band meeting. They agreed on the date for sessions at a studio in Wiltshire. It was ideal as it was tucked away in the countryside so they were unlikely to be bothered by fans. Also privately Gary thought it would be safer for him, as the police had said to keep a low profile for now.

As the sun starting to dip behind the trees at the end of the garden the meeting came to an end. The guys started getting ready to leave. As they were leaving Mark hung back, once the others had gone Mark asked Gary if he'd had anymore tweets from the sinister fan, "No, not in the last day or two. They seem to have gone quiet." Gary replied. "That's a good sign then. Maybe they've got bored and moved on to someone else" Mark said. "Um perhaps. I hope you're right." Gary said. He wasn't really convinced though. Mark then said he'd better be going too but to let him know how things went. As Gary closed the door, he noticed a piece of paper hanging out of the door's letter box. He pulled it from the door and opened it.

I'm watching you

He dropped the piece of paper and breathed heavily. He leaned against the front door as he suddenly felt a bit faint. "Come on, pull yourself together" he said to himself. Was it the twitter stalker or another crazy fan?
After a few moments the initial shock subsided and he went into the living room and dialed the number the police had given him in case he needed to contact them.

A detective arrived within the hour. He explained what had happened and showed her the piece of paper. "I'll need to take this to be analysed for finger-prints and DNA" Detective Constable Anders explained. "Also, the door will be examined too for the same reason." She contacted the station and a finger-print expect arrived shortly to do the relevant tests on the door. Gary said his prints would be on the paper and door too. DC Anders said they would need to check his prints and DNA too but reassured him they would be destroyed once the investigation was complete. She asked if he would be able to go to the station that evening, Gary said yes that'd be fine. He wanted to solve this as quickly as possible. Despite his shock over the note he couldn't help noticing how pretty the detective was. She was petite with beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair tied up in a neat pony-tail.

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