Day 4- Help me get over it

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I was on the couch today waiting for one of the men to wake up. I was texting my friend until one of the engineers spoke up "Mornin' darlin', ya sleep well?" I looked up at him, he was the Blu merc "oh, good morning. I slept okay" I said looking away as some tears filled my eyes and he only looked at me a bit sad and walked over to me, sitting down next to me "ah'm sorry ahbout your grandma, but sometimes ya just gotta let go" I only nodded not even caring about what he said, I was about to reply, when Red Heavy walked in and started talking "is leetle girl okay?" He asked and I only nodded as my head hung low not making eye contact

After breakfast me and Red Engineer went to my school to send my chromebook back, when we returned I went straight to my room and flopped onto my bed then just started to cry. Some of the men must have heard me because I heard one of the snipers out side my room "Sheila...are you alroight?" He asked and I tried to reply with a calm voice "I-I'm fine" I said stuttering a bit.

While you were crying, Red sniper with the Blu Spy walked back into the living room where the other men were. They felt so bad for you, but they didn't want to invade your privacy so they'd just stay out in the living room waiting for you. Some time later you came out of your room and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. You were on your way back to your room when the Blu Sniper spoke "are you okay sheila?" You only nodded and tried to start walking away when Red Soldier spoke "No your not maggot! Now come over here!" He shouted and you walked over to him and he picked you up like a little girl holding you into a hug, pulling away after a minute "feel better?" He asked and you only smiled a bit "maybe" you answered and then out of nowhere you were pulled into a hug from behind. You looked up to find the Blu Spy smiling down at you

Some time after you and the men were talking, they smiled at you seeing you forget about your grandma for now. You then asked "Will you guys..." "what?" Red Scout asked " me..get over it?" You looked down at your legs and the men smiled warmly, as you were pulled into a hug from the person next to you. You looked up at him and it was Blu heavy holding you close, you smiled happily and wrapped your arms around him hugging him back. Soon later you were hugged by the whole Blu team and as you let go, you remember that you forgot about the Reds. You ran over to the Red Medic and hugged him, as he hugged back and not so long after you were hugged by the whole Red team you let go as you thought to yourself 'My bones feel broken' the Blu medic and chuckled a bit, the men looked over at him a bit confused and he answered "Ich zhink ve vere to gutt at hugging" the men laugh for a good 30 seconds as you giggled along

You were helping Red Engie make some  dinner while the other men were chatting, you and engie were making lasagna. As engie was taking out the lasagna from the oven you went into the living room to were the mens where "Dinners ready! Please go wait in the dining room" you said. The men smiled and nodded as they got up and started walking into the dining room. You went back into the kitchen and helped engie grab the other tray of lasagna and walking into dining room, placing it down on the table with engie. You sat down and so did engie, after eating you helped wash the dishes and after you finished you went into your room to get ready for bed

After you finished changing you went to the second living room and chatted with the men until you where starting to fall asleep. Red scout then picked you up from your sleeping form and walked  to your room, placing you in bed and giving a quick kiss on your forehead then walked over to the door saying "We love ya Y/N" and walked out closing the door behind him as you opened your eyes and whispered out "I love you guys too" and closed your eyes to fall back asleep

820 WORDS! Sorry for the delayed chapter, just struggling a bit to get inspiration on my chapters, but anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, byee!

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