Help you..

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You woke up the next morning feeling weak because you did kind of sobbed last night before going to sleep. You still got up however and walked out into the living room to where the mercenaries were and your grandma was still asleep, you walked over to them and greeted them with a smile making them smile back. You grabbed your chome book and turned it on logging into class, you check your clock and it was 9:00 and you started class at 9:40 so you didn't bother to eat. The men looked over at you and noticed that you were trying to get into class so they didn't even bother you

You called your guy friend while in class and the mercs heard your every conversation, but just hearing him as your guy friend also means they can tease you about him being your boyfriend but you guys were only friends and he already had a crush on one of the girls in your class and she was also your friend too but you guys didn't talk that much. You were in science class and your didn't really understand what the teacher was saying threw the screen, then you ask your friend "did Mr. Pheng just tell the class to say the equation in German...or am I death?" Then your friend answered "I am not germane" causing the red and blu men to laugh a little, ofcourse this happened for quite of a couple classes as well "did Mr. Gorski just say we were going to eat yays?...I'm so confused...I'm legally death now" you told your friend while in Ela and he answered "I don't know...why are you so death man" "at least I ain't blind like you" you replied "why you bully me" he said and the mercenaries only chuckled

"I don't get it..." you said and the men looked over at you while your friend let out a 'hm?' "I ask Mr. Thor if I could call him Mr. Thornybush and he legit said eww....this teacher is dirty minded" and your friend only laughed at you while the Red and Blu men tried to hold back their laughter, covering their mouths "I've done this to Ms. Mea too but she doesn't think wrong.." you said and your friend asked "What's her nickname den?" You almost laughed and said "so I told her that her last name 'Mea' means sheep in Hmong and asked her if i could call her Ms. Sheep..and she said yes" your friend laughed and said "your so gudd" "I know right" you answered but the men couldn't hold back their laughter anymore and laughed at you for a good long twenty seconds

You finally finished classes and put your chromebook back at the desk and told your friend "I'll call you tomorrow (y/f/n) (your friend name), I'ma go get some other stuff done" and he replied with an agreement "yea, same" and your phone call ended with a 'bye'. You then walked over to the men "get ready guys, we're gonna go see my cousin so he can help you guys get home" you said and the men nodded

You had put on a (f/c) (favorite color) shirt on with a grey sweater on top, black jeans with some black shoes. You walked to your grandma's room and gave it a knock and she came over and opened the door "oh, hello Y/N, do you need something?" And you answered "yes actually, I'ma go see (C/N) (cousins name) with the men, to see if I can help them get home" your grandma smile and said "okay then, but don't be gone for to long" you gave her a nod and went over to the mercs "let's go" you said and they nodded, walking outside with you

You guys soon arrived at your cousins place and you gave a knock on the door, your cousin opened the door, greeting you and the men with a hello. He let you guys in and asked "so,why are you guys here?" Than you answered "well, I met these men in an alleyway..I sort of saved them, they told me that they have fallen threw a portal....were you and Ashley making those portals for people again?" He gave a nervous chuckle and said "maybe we did?...but we didn't know that it would happen to appear in a different place besides our town" "well it did, and plus they really need to go back too" you replied and he just answered "alright, I'll start working on it, but it does take a couple of days to make it though, so your gonna have to wait for a while" you nodded and said "mkay, that's fine with me" then walked over to the door "come on you mercenaries, we gotta go before it gets to late and my grandma starts to get worried" they all smirked and nodded then followed you out the door and you and your cousin said your 'goodbyes' before you and the mercenaries left.

You guys finally arrived home and went to eat dinner with your grandma, that night you and the mercenaries spent some time to learn about each other and joked around a bit before you headed off to bed 'this is gonna be a long week' you thought to yourself before drifting off into a deep sleep

945 WORDS! hope this chapter was okay, although it was kinda boring. Make sure you guys stay home and wash your hands, and I'll see you guys next chapter, byee!

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