When after the God/Evolution ,None of them don't want to forgive Shu because he become redeye. Shu feel lonely and a lot of guilty conscience, He want to his friends to forgive him. But few months, the beyblade club still don't want to talk to Shu...
The author POV The bey club set the time table, each week,Shu will be care by themselves each one. That mean they have one week to care Baby Shu. The first week is Rantaro to care him. He think it is a interesting thing that he do ever. I still worry about that card. Why Shu is accept this text.I keep that card. It make me feel mysterious of this card......(Of crouse, his bey and the launcher is keeping by mine too)
Rantaro POV Today until next week. It is mine to take care Shu. How cute He is a baby.....He more than cute and adorable than Wakiya (The author: What did you say? Rantaro:.......(Sweat) Wakiya: (Sobbing) I hate you Rantaro! Rantaro: Don't cry Wakiya.(Wipe Wakiya tears) Shu (baby) :Cu...Cu...te)He still very clever and calm when he is a baby. Luckily my family know that Shu turn to baby and accept me to take care of Shu.Today is Monday. After school. I back home with my brother, Ranjiro.When we back to home. My mum is care about Shu. I never see Shu laughing a lot.He always calm and cool. Never act naive when he is the same age to us.......
Rantaro mum: Hey kids, you back
Rantaro: Yeah mum.
Ranjiro: Me too
Shu: Ran...Ran....ta...ro(Wave his hand)
Rantaro: Hey, Shu.
Rantaro mum: Shu is very good boy. He doesn't like you when you are the baby
Rantaro: (Blushing) Mum
Rantaro mum: (Laughing a little)
Shu: (Giggled a lot)
Rantaro mum: I think Shu is laughing at you.
Rantaro: (Blushing and touch Shu nose) Shu don't laugh.......
Now is 3:15PM,we have the bey training at park at 4:30.i quickly do homework that I can go to the park in time.
After one hour
All homework is finish. Now I can go to park now. When I leave the house. Shu is Wave his hand.
Shu: Sh...Sh...u...wa...nt...wa...nt...to...go...
I quickly hold him and say
Rantaro: Ok ok. Since one month you didn't join us....
Shu: ye...ye...ah
Rantaro: Mum, Shu will with me in the training.
Rantaro mum: Ok, But be careful ,take care Shu
Rantaro: Ok (Leave the house)
Time skip (In the park)
Valt: Hey Rantaro
Rantaro: Hey guys
Shu: (Giggled)
Daigo: Hi Shu (Hug Shu tender)
Ken: He so happy,I never see Shu is so happy
Wakiya:Me too
Rantaro: Me three
Daigo: Me four
Valt: (Smile and sigh)
Wakiya: Let training
Valt, Daigo, Ken: Yeah
Shu: Ah (Wave his hands and smile a lot)
Rantaro: We hope we can played beyblade with Shu again in one day
Valt:(Hold Shu and see Shu already sleep)
Valt: (Pat Shu head tender )
Shu: (Sleep peaceful) zzzz
Time skip
In Rantaro home
At night
Rantaro:(Hold Shu tender)
Shu: (Drink milk happily)
Rantaro: (Smile and Sigh) Too cute
Shu: (Yawn a little)
Rantaro: (Go to sleep)
Rantaro: (Put Shu on his bed)
Rantaro: Good night Shu
Shu: Ni...g...ht
In dream (Rantaro POV)
Where am I, it was a view. It like this
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It was a beautiful sea view. I see someone is sit on the grass, looking the sea view. He wear the pink shirt,black trousers. White hair. Is that...Shu? Why he here? He turn back? I walk to him.He notice me. And Smile at me
Shu: Hey Rantaro
Rantaro: Hey Shu...
Shu:(Still see the view)
Rantaro: Are you ok?
Shu: Yeah, I ok(Smile a little)
I feel sorry that we didn't forgive him. When I look he view of the back,why I feel a twinge of guilt that we avoid him a month. He looks sad.....and he have some tears on his face. Suddenly he feels cold and tremble.I put my coat on him. He notice he not cold anymore. Shu: Thank you Rantaro
Rantaro: You welcome, we are friends
Shu: Friends, but I thought we only teammate.....
Rantaro: What? Why you think about it?
Shu: Because I am shy ,don't like to talk to much. Valt and Xander is my only friends. But for the bey club. I think you all look me as a teammate only
Rantaro: (Put his hand on Shu shoulder) No, is not like that. You are our teammate and friends. Because you, our team have team spirit.
Shu: (Smile) Thank Rantaro
Rantaro: (Smile)
Suddenly hear someone is crying. Dream end
Shu(baby) :Ahhhh (Crying so much)
Rantaro: (Notice Shu is crying)
Rantaro: (Hug Shu tender) It ok Shu, It ok. You have nightmare?
Shu: (Stop crying and seeing Rantaro)
Rantaro: (Smile to Shu)
Shu: (Smile and use his hand to hold Rantaro cloth) Ra...ntaro.....
Rantaro: So glad you happy
Shu: Hmm.
Rantaro: I forgive you Shu.
Shu: (Giggled) Ah...Ah...Ah...
Same time
The card: (Throw out the yellow light)
The author:(See the card throw out the yellow light)
The author: What happened to this card?
?:Look like Rantaro is forgive Shu
The author: Who are you? Is you turn Shu to a baby?
The author: Who are you
?:You will know, author chan
The author: Who this person?
The author: But now Shu already have one person to forgive him.
Chapter end
The author: How did you think about
Rantaro: Great chapter
The author: Thx
Valt: Who is the next one?
The author: Next is Daigo
Shu: Oh
The author: How did you think about this chapter?Write you feel in the comments and vote it.It is one of my powers that I will do my best See you in next chapter. 😊