Chapter 11

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I lie on my bed turning the piece of paper over and over again in my hands. I stop turning it to re-read it again;

Eddie’s Diner this Saturday, 6:00, don’t worry, it won’t be a date. Zach

I bite my bottom lip trying to hide my smile, no use, I can’t help but feel butterflies in my stomach. Yes it wasn’t a romantic poem, but it was much cuter than a boring text message. And how he got it into my homework journal was beyond me!

There’s a knock on the front door and my mum answers. I sit up and Patsy storm into my room, a smirk on her face, she takes the overnight bag she’s carrying and throws it onto my floor.


I hold up the small piece of card and she takes it, squealing and jumping up an down. I smile smugly and blush. There’s a knock on my door then and Amy pops her head around the door, I immediately stop screaming and try to act natural.

“what’s all the commotion?” I smile, I like Amy, she was probably the only girlfriend Shane had had that I actually liked.

I stammer and try to say something so I don’t look like an idiot. Amy slips into my room, closing the door behind her, she wiggles her eyebrows making them dance and I stay frozen, luckily for me I had Patsy, yay.

“we’re just excited that Kelly got asked out on a date by her crush!!”

I stab Patsy in the kidney with my elbow and she lets out a gasp as she falls to her knees, good. “it’s not a date, and he’s not my crush. It is a friendly outing.”

Amy sniggers and raises her left eyebrow, “okay, sure……” she giggles and leaves after my brother calls her name. I sigh and feel bad for her, how did someone so pretty and gorgeous as her end up with my brother of all people? The world works in weird ways….

I look down to Patsy who’s lying in a crumpled mess on the floor, I poke her with my foot and she lets out a dramatic cry. I roll my eyes and throw one of my beanbags onto her. She sits up, pushing it off her, it rolls beside her and I can’t help but giggle at the state of her hair!

She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows together. I then turn my attention to the bag she brought with her, I hadn’t asked her to come stay the night, but it was a Friday and I couldn’t see my mum objecting.

“so are you planning on moving in?” I ask, gesturing towards the bag with my head as I open my door and call for my mum, I hear footsteps and turn my attention back to Patsy, “so you wanna stay the night?”

She shrugs her shoulders and pulls out her phone, to text her dad and ask no doubt.

My mum scurries out from the sitting room, her eyebrows raised in a questioning tone. “can Patsy stay the night?” my mum looks behind me into the room at Patsy, “sure! Make sure it’s okay with your parents though!”

Patsy nods politely and my mum leaves and returns to the sitting room. I throw the bag Patsy brought with her onto my bed, surprised by the weight of it. I let out a huff as it lands on my bed and raise an eyebrow at Pats. She shrugs and giggles, “I came prepared.”

I laugh, “for what? A completely out of the blue snow storm that blocks off all the exits and means that we have to spend a year indoors?” my voiced heavily laced with sarcasm and Patsy laughs shaking her head.

“no silly, for your ‘friendly outing’ if that’s what you must insist on calling it,” she begins to zip open the bag and clothes immediately fall out of it and pile onto my bed.

“how do you afford all these clothes?!” I ask, astonished by the brand names, and the price tags that were still on some of the garments.

Patsy just smiles and continues to unload the bag, “my sister and you are the same clothes size, and she has more than enough, she won’t notice there gone!”

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