11. "hairography"

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"okay guys, so first of all i want to welcome ms

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"okay guys, so first of all i want to welcome ms. hitchens and the jane addams glee club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. so, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. let's see what you got." mr. schue introduces us to the jane addams kids. they're performing a number for us at mckinley since they apparently don't have an auditorium. "hit it." ms. hitchens says.

                             "Bootylicious" preformed by the jane addams glee club  

we clap for them but i think we're all a bit overwhelmed. they are so good. we definitely don't look like that when we preform. the girls leave talking and laugh, feeling smug because of our reactions. the rest of us also leave, feeling a bit defeated. i walk with mercedes. "ok i wanna learn some of that choreography." mercedes says to me. "same here! imagine how good we'd look." i respond. "preach!" she exclaims. we walk in silence for a bit. 

"they were so good." i say nervously. she looks at my concerned expression and sighs. "hey, don't worry. we're going to rock it." mercedes says confidently. "i hope so." i say.

the next day, we're all sitting and talking to one another in the choir room. "all right, guys. i did some thinking last night. i think i found our new number for Sectionals. we're going to do the title song from "Hair". now, this show started a revolution." mr. schue says. "wait, did they have mohawks back then? like in the 20's or whatever?" puck asks. "yeah, mr. schue, if we're going to do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?" finn adds on.

"one step ahead of you. here are your wigs." he throws a bag into finn's lap and rachel pulls mr. schue aside. finn starts pulling out wigs and handing them to the guys. "you guys look ridiculous." i laugh at their wigs. mr. schue turns and sees the guys and cracks up. "looking great, guys!"

"ivy, can you help we with something?" quinn leans on the locker beside mine, playing with her nails. she looks up at my locker and sees a picture of us and smiles. "cute." she says simply. i look at it before closing my locker. "ok, what's up? what do you need help with?" i ask her, now leaning against my locker. 

"i need you to get kurt to talk to me." she says slyly. "sounds easy enough. you can't talk to him yourself?" i ask. "he might be intimidated if i just talk to him out of the blue." she responds, seeming unbothered. she smooths out her dress and motions me to start walking with her. 

"sure, i'll talk to him." i say and she smiles. "thank you! you're the best!" she says as she runs away. i don't even care to ask why she wants to talk to kurt, but i leave to find him.

i find him sitting in the auditorium, reading over sheet music. "hey kurt!" i plop down in the seat next to him. "ivy! how are you?" he says, putting the sheets down. 

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