Chapter 11

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Junghwa POV

It had been about two days since Jimin and I's outing. The day after, I woke up with the worst migraine ever, but I was met with a cup of tea, some hangover soup, painkillers, and a sweet message from Jimin.

The message read:


Yesterday was fun. You're an adorable person to be around. But next time, maybe we can limit your alcohol consumption lololol


I was confused about the nickname but it was cute so I didn't question it.

Today, we were supposed to do our usual fishing ordeal. However, it was probably the hottest day ever recorded on Earth. That might've been an exaggeration, but it certainly was the hottest day I had ever experienced in my life. I don't even know if the heat was the reason, but it seemed so hot that all the fish had just disappeared.

I never caught anything anyway, but the experts themselves, ol' gramps and Park Jimin weren't having any luck either.

"This is hopeless," I whined, the heat literally shattering my mental stability.

"Come on Hwa, give it one more try," my grandpa said.

"Grandpa, I love you, I really do. But if I was hopeless before, I'm especially hopeless now. It's too damn hot," I grumbled.

"Okay, but what do we do Junghwa? The AC is broken remember?"

Can you believe that the AC just decided to crap out on us yesterday? Of all the times an AC would break on us, it had to be in summer.

But a genius idea came to me.

"Alright folks, we've been working hard, but I think it's time for some relaxation for the three of us. And I will now formally suggest that we go for a swim in this glorious lake! I have a lovely swimsuit that needs a little attention anyway. And if a certain someone thinks it's wise to push me into the water, at least my normal clothes won't get wet," I said, making eye contact with Jimin who returned my glare with a cheeky smile.

"Junghwa you know my bones are too old for that," my grandpa coughed a little harder than I was comfortable with.

"Gramps are you okay? You've been looking a little pale lately," I asked.

"Yeah, are you okay Mister Jeon? Maybe I'll just go fix the air conditioner," Jimin offered.

My grandpa waved us off, "You kids worry too much. You're beautiful twenty-year-olds and you're sitting here worrying about a dinosaur. You know what Junghwa, I think your right. I won't get in the water, but I'll sit and watch you guys."

I frowned, something was clearly up with him. But here he was trying to be happy for Jimin and I. Why did he have to be so selfless? He should care about himself more.


"Junghwa not another word. We're gonna relax for a change. You two run along and get changed. I'll wait here," he coughed again.

I gave Jimin an unsure look, but he sweetly led me back into the house.

"I'm worried about him Jimin," I sighed.

"I am too. But we've gotta trust him for now, okay? Your grandpa would tell us if there was something really wrong," he tried to cheer me up.

We went to our respective rooms to change into our bathing suits.

I pulled out mine, a half-hearted smile playing on my lips as I remembered how against it Jungkook was.

It was a white bikini top with a ruffle and red polka dot bottoms.

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