Chapter 29

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We're at the end again🤧🤧🤧 I hate ending books. I get way too attached to my characters.

The next morning was the day of our departure.

I had already packed away all my bags in my trunk and was now working with Jimin to divvy up the contents of the kitchen.

"Jimin, I already have at least four pounds of meat in my trunk, you need to take the rest of it!" I groaned, shoving the newly bought meat into his arms.

Jimin sighed, "Fine, but you need to take some of the vegetables too."

Let me say, I never thought our first argument would be over how to split the amount of food we each took, but every couple is different I guess.

However, we eventually worked it out and raided the kitchen of all the food, snacks, drinks, and other edible items he had lying around.

Since I was a smart adult, I always carried around reusable bags for groceries, so I was able to put all the food in those as well as give some to Jimin to put in his car.

Once the food was done, I went to take a shower and changed into a white top and pink shorts.

By the time I had finished getting ready, Jimin had just started so I figured it would be a while since that guy always ended up being 'fashionably late

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By the time I had finished getting ready, Jimin had just started so I figured it would be a while since that guy always ended up being 'fashionably late.'

So while I was waiting, I decided to wander around the house and the outside area and take a trip down memory lane. I felt it would be a good way to say goodbye to a place that meant the world to me.

I headed out into the kitchen and found three young children running around a spritely older man.

"Grandpa can I help you cook?" The girl asked him.

He gave a gentle smile, "Sorry sweetheart, you might be too little for this."

"Haha you're too little," the younger boy teased.

The girl flicked his forehead with a scowl, "You're younger than me."

"Hey, you're all young. But someday, you kids will grow up to be big and strong like your mommy and daddy and you can help grandpa cook."

When I walked towards the couch, the same three kids showed up, only slightly older.

"Woah dad was a baby!" The older boy exclaimed.

"No duh," the girl rolled her eyes.

"Why're you so mean?" The younger one fake cried.

The three of them started squabbling and bickering, but the older man broke it up with a kind smile.

"Hey, quit it. You three are siblings. That means you gotta protect each other all the time. No silly squabbles."

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