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Jimin and I came close range to the lecture door but there was a bunch of guys blocking the view.

"excuse" I whispered but not too soft so they could hear, I wasn't being rude I just wanted to get in.

One of the guys frowned at me in a very sour manner while the others moved out the way and continued their chats

I looked back at this guy and he seemed to be still death glaring me, I turned away and made my way to my seat "was that guy giving us the stink eye?"

Jimin followed to the seat next to me and pulled his bag off. "more like giving me the stink eye, did I do something wrong?" I pulled a notepad and pencil out before looking back at him.

"not that I can think of.. And besides you just said excuse me, what's so wrong with that?" the pink haired looked back at the door, before I could even shrug, he gasped at the professor making his way in.

"let's get going to our seats everyone before I issue demerits for failure to comply to an order" he grogged out, placing his suit case on the table and opening it to some files that were meant for the lecture

I noticed from the side of my eye that the guy who earlier was trying his best to kill me with his eyes was sitting not too far away from me, I heard him telling his friends to "look at that bitch", I pretended to not hear and act like he was talking about another 'bitch' as he put it.

As professor Kim was continuing with his chalk on board action I heard the guy speak again, this time about "attitude" and I wanted to laugh if he thought I had attitude... Okay wait I do sometimes but that time I wasn't.

Next thing, I feel a paper ball hit my head. A PAPER BALL. uh uh.. Did these guys think I was bully material?? Uhhh they thought wrong. I turned to face them and speaking in a low tone so I don't get attention from professor Kim

"hey! You bunch of immature nut cracks, grow up. Paper balls? Really?" I spat out and let out a sigh of frustration to contain myself

"Miss min?" my soul nearly jumped out of my skin at the suddenness of professor Kim's voice, I was screwed.

I turned to face a scolding but out of nowhere "sir those bullys at the back there threw a paper ball at Y/N's head" Jimin suddenly butted in and Mr Kim looked at the back with a raised eyebrow

Looking directly at the guy who has been acting up "is that true?" professor Kim folded his arm in amusement, grinning and  he looked as if he was siding with the guy at the back

The bully laughed back and shook his head "Sir you know how females are? Overly dramatic, emotional..." he whispered the last part out that none of us heard

Mr Kim shook his head and walked down to his lecture Mike, grabbing a file and flipping through, was he really just going to go on with this lecture without sorting this problem out?

Mr Kim put his index finger down on the page and slid it down until he found something and tapped it as a "found it" gesture

"Mr.. Uchiha is it?" Mr Kim looked back at the boy and the bully looked at the professor shocked, how did he know that guys name without asking for a student number

The boy nodded arrogantly back with a snay, "leave my class for that interruption" Mr Kim said casually before picking up chalk and attempting to write on the board again

"what about her? She was the one who lashed out first" he groaned and I frowned in disgust, are we in kindergarten???

Professor scoffed in irritation "those of you who are 5 years old please put your hand up,"

No one proceeded to do so but rather frowned in confusion.

"ahhhhh so we got growns up here after all, I said leave my class, she was defending herself while the other was being an immature sexist, leave. If I repeat myself I will make you regret it" Kim said with such venom that the Uchiha guy woke up with his bag and stormed off

I felt relief and breathed in calmness before turning back to...

Those deadly eyes staring right back at mine

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