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CHAPTER TWENTY SEVENWE RUN"my high hopes are getting low"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"my high hopes are getting low"

     The past few days, no, weeks, in Dylan's life had been more hectic and life threatening then anything she had ever experienced in her entire life.

     But, somehow, throughout it all, the klepto managed to get through the day with optimistic quotes and a stupid, toothy grin plastered in her face. Maybe Dylan wasn't that frightened by the idea of war, and death, because the only people she had left would be dying with her. Kane, her father, was gone. After unity day, Monty and Raven had been sad to inform the girl and everyone else in camp that they had finally run out of air. Not only did that mean people they cared about was gone, but it also meant that no one was coming down to save them.

     Or maybe Lincoln played some stupid role in Dylan's optimistic attitude. Sure, it was a part of who she was, but no one could run off of natural optimism through all of that, for that long. Dylan had created this small fantasy in her head they'd get through this war alive, and that she'd see him again. Out of all the people on this forsaken earth, Dylan couldn't quite figure out why the grounder was the one plaguing her mind constantly, and was making her wish to survive this all. Did she have feelings for him? It was the only logical answer. But Dylan knew that if the brutal reality was her feelings for him, it would only lead to disaster.

     It didn't matter anyway. They weren't going to make it through the week. They would all be dead unless some miracle happened. Dylan could feel her optimism quickly chip away, especially whenever one of the pessimistic delinquents decided to smitten their negativity over to her.

     Murphy was no longer the safe haven he had always been for Dylan. The Kane girl had witnessed him forcing Bellamy into a noose, and then proceed to kick the crate from under his feet. And she couldn't do anything to try and save him. Fortunately, Octavia and Jasper bursted in just in time to save him. Murphy got away, using what little gunpowder they had left to blow a hole in the side of the dropship. The boy certainly knew how to make an exit, that's for sure.

     Bellamy had made the desicion to not follow after Murphy and instead to go out for Monty, Clarke and Finn. It was a decision Dylan supported, even if there was a Murphy sized hole in her heart, aching for her best friend.

     "We're going after Clarke, Finn, and Monty." Bellamy announced, a sad smile ghosting his lips as he looked at his little sister and Jasper holding hands. "You and Raven were right. We don't abandon our own. Two guns. . .you and me." The last part was directed at Jasper. "That's it. Raven stays here to build up defenses. We lost a day because of this, and our gunpowder."

     Dylan smirked at the flustered expression on Octavia's face. Her heart swelled st how cute Octavia and Jasper were togheter. And Bellamy seemed to approve, which was a good sign.

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