Teaser - Impossible trial

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Okami again...obviously but i'm here to say I won't be able to upload any chapter as my phone's charger stopped working but I should get a new one soon so for now I'll leave you guys with this.


We find ourself in a grey room seemingly out of the world and multiple persons standing in the center including Okami.
An old man standing on a podium suddenly appeared and said a few words that seemed familiar to all of them with a devilish smile.
"Welcome to all of you candidates..for it is time for the trial"


A white haired man was helping our hero up standing beside a man bleeding out on the floor.
"Hey we're a team so we should stay together, you can call me Lynx. Whats your name ?" he said putting away his pocket knife.
Okami answered completely stoic "Okami Akuma"


Both Lynx and Okami are found running through a forest avoiding flying arrows before stopping near the edge of a mountain.
"We need to jump !"
"Fuck no ! Suck my dick I wont jump down this sh-" Okami was cut off replying as Lynx pushed him off the edge before jumping down with him.


We can see Okami kneeling down on the ground covered in blood eyes empty and breathing eratically.
"Congratulation on winning kid I think it's time to take your prize" Said the old man from the start while winking and holding his hand out.
Okami slowly started standing up a smile finding its way on his bloody face.
"With Pleasure Mister"


Whole episode coming out the 8th June
Get ready because fire spreads really fast.

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