Introduction - The Practical Exam

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My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia is an anime series and not my original work. This is a Fanfiction!

I've included some 🎵 music 🎵 for a particular scene. There will be indicators on when to start/stop playing.


All men are not created equal. This was a lesson I learned when I was very young.

All of my classmates had developed their quirks by kindergarten and yet still I had nothing to show. My parents took me in to the doctors to check up on everything. They didn't know what to say. It seemed as though I should be fully capable of developing a quirk and yet I hadn't. They said that I was probably a 'late bloomer' and if I didn't develop by around 8, I probably never would. Even at that age I knew what they meant.

Somehow, even for a kid, this was worse than being told I never would. For 5 years I lived in this awkward limbo, unable to identify with either side. Some may say that it shouldn't be a big deal for a kid but children were way more perceptive than adults wanted to believe. We knew when mom and dad were fighting, when people didn't feel good, when you were keeping something from us.

Despite that, kids were also some of the meanest people you'd ever meet. They don't hold back or sugar coat, they tell you the full honest truth. Most of the time I'm sure they don't know why they do the things they do. They'll be mean just because. I learned this well as a child. I dealt with a lot of bullying and alienation and always figured it had to do with being quirkless. Back then I only wanted to manifest a quirk so I could make friends... but I was sorely mistaken.

I always figured a quirk would solve things, as if there was a magic solution to my problems. I realized there was no such solution and that in life there wasn't always a reason for someone to be mean or evil. Sometimes they just wanted to. Sometimes they just liked it. I hate bullies.

*** Exam Day ***

I stood at the gates, staring up at the logo above the large building, the letters UA. I couldn't fully comprehend that I was here. I was really here! Of course it was just for the exam but still. I can't say I was like most people coming through the gates. Many had been dreaming of the hero program all their life but I hadn't started doing so even a year ago. I felt a little guilty for that since there were people who would kill for the opportunity, but it was life. Sometimes things were just brutal. Like how you can't become a pro-hero without a quirk or how even if you do everything right, it doesn't mean you'll make a friend.

Of course I'd been changing a bit in these ideas as I decided to become a hero myself but I couldn't help still feeling a bit cynical.

My names Tess and I'm here for the entrance exams today.

I can't deny that I was a bit nervous. It was less about failing and more about embarrassing myself. I was usually quite fixated on how I would look in front of others. Perhaps it's due to the way I grew up. I just didn't want to look like an idiot, even if I had to pass up a good opportunity. I was working on that.

I felt someone bump into my shoulder just then, knocking me out of my thoughts and forcing me to stumble forward a couple of steps. I was certainly caught off guard so I needed a moment to recompose myself before I turned to find the culprit. I was expecting to hear an apology but I heard nothing of the sort.

"Why are you standing in the middle of the gate like a retard?" I glanced up to catch a pair of piercing red eyes and irritation written all over the boys face. "Stupid Bitch..." the voice faded off as he walked past me, his spiky blonde hair shifting as a bit of wind blew by.

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