Somebody To You

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It was now morning at Adventure Bay,as usual people do their daily routine as citizens,nothing unusual is happening,well not until the festival starts.

Meanwhile at the lookout,Marshall has finally woke up from his slumber,yawning and strerching his paws,until an empty space was noticed by the dalmatian,remembering what happened last night,his patient was no longer in sight,he searched everywhere in the lobby,'where are you'Marshall thought to himself,as a familliat scent cought his nose,and it leads outside the lookout,and there he was sitting besides the cliff were they have watch the stars together the other day,the ray of the rising sun was enough to exposed Chase's coffe brown fur,that made Marshall's heart skip a bit,'oh,there you are'Marshall thought to himself with a smile in his jaw as he felt relieved seeing his patient all in good shape.

'Glad youre feeling better' said Marshall as he smile at his cured patient,knowing that it's still early in the morning Marshall decided to leave Chase,and give him his personal space and time and go back to his pup house since his patient doesn't need any company anymore,he was about to turned around until,a twig got in his way,Marshall's face turned pale after this action,so much for not disturbing him,Marshall grip his paw and cursed the stick,'why does this always happen?!'he mentally shouted at himself,until a voice was heard behind Marshall,it was coming from the direction where his patient were sitting.

"Morning Marshall,I see you're awake."Chase said in a bright tone,sounding cheerful because his no longer sick,Marshall on the other hand smiled awkwardly at his friend,"Yeah,and I see you're feeling okay,"the dal response in a tone that hides his sleepiness,the shepperd smiled and replied,"It's all thanks you,thank you for taking care of me,"he smiles knowing that Marshall was the one that took care of him,"It's what I do,"Marshall replied proudly,until a yawn escape his mouth,"We'll I'm going back to bed Chase,it's still early in the morning and don't overwork yourself,you just got better."he stated as he turned around going to where his puphouse is,"Ofcourse,don't want my doctor to be tired because of me,"Chase said with a little smirk developing on his jaw,this leaves Marshall's heart to skip a beat,with a face turning scarlet,good thing he has turned around or this was gonna be noticed by the shepperd,"Whatever you say,"Marshall replied followed by small laughs as he continued to his puphouse.

"I'll be waking up you in a few minutes anyway,but I think I'll make you an exception,"Chase continued,the smirk on his face hasn't disappeared,as the dalmatian was now nowhere in sight,'wish I could be youre only patient' Chase thought to himself followed by a sigh,knowing that it's a selfish thing to desire.

After a few minutes of doing their daily routine,Ryder finally decided to wake the pups up,specially by the news Mayor Goodway announced.One by one Ryder went to every pup house he was gonna wake up,he had a hard time waking a certain bulldog who was a deep sleeper and a sleep walker,but he still manage,as everyone arouse from their slumber,Ryder announced that they head to the lookout lobby for where their breakfast awaits and for a very thrilling announcement.

Eveyrone was at their pup bowl,eating their most satisfying kebble,digging in with all their might as they chew on,while eating for some reason Rubble ate and sat besides Skye who was eating besides Chase,this was a weird action for the cockappo,because in normal circumstances he would sit beside the bag of pup food,until Ryder,eventually stand in front of them,clapping his sand signaling that he needs their attention.

"Lend me you're ear for a moment,pups."everyone did what just said and stop from their meal and turned their heads to their leader,"What is it Ryder?"ask Skye with a tone of curiosity,"We'll, eventually,for some reason,Mayor Goodway,suddenly came up with an idea,that Adventure Bay,is going to have a Festival,it's goin--,"Ryder was cut off by the pups squealing in excitement,

"Oh boy,a Festival I'm so excited,"squealed Skye while flipping around.

"Yeah,I can't wait for it to stawt,"Yelp Zuma who was jumping around.

"Does this festival need a D.J.?"Rubble ask wagging his limited short tail,everyone laugh at this statement.

"Is their a ferris wheel?"Marshall ask determined of the ferris wheel.

"When will it start Ryder?"Chase and Rocky ask in unison.

"Pups,can I finish now,?"Ryder ask with a low tone,eye lid half open,signaling the thank you for disturbing gesture,but still made some small chuckles.

"Oh,sorry Ryder,didn't mean to interrupt you,"Skye apologised,so does the other pups,then they all laugh,including Ryder,"Ok,ok,Mayor Goodway said,this festival is called the Fun Pair Festival,it's going to be held next week,which it is also the day of Valentine's Day."Ryder explained,this time the group didn't interrupt him anymore,until Marshall was confused about something,"Ryder,why is it called Pair instead of Fair,?"questioned Marshall tilting his head,"That's what makes it different,this festival will only let people and pups in,if someone is with a pair,that's why it is called Fun Pair Festival,"Ryder stated saying exactly of what the Mayor told him,Marshall finally understant nodding his head in response,"So,No Partner,No Entry,huh?"Chase said out of nowhere,every one burst out of laughter,by his statement.

"Seems like it,so pups,there's plenty of time for you to choose you're partner,so make sure it's you have a partner before the Festival,"Ryder said followed by small smile that crept in his face,because a certain girl has crossed his mind,"Ok,see you later guys,I'm off to do something,"Ryder continued as he walks out the lookout.

"Wocky,dude,will you be my partner,for the festival,"Zuma,without hesitation ask the pup beside him,with a smile on his face,"Sure,Zuma I'll gladly be you're pair,in this festival,but,I was gonna ask you first,you know,"Rocky replied followed by small chuckles because his bestfriend is so straightforward,then unexpectedly Zuma,started jumping around because he recieved a yes from the pup that he ask out.

"Zuma,stop that,you're acting like you got the pup you like,to go out with you,"Rocky stated,with a bit of annoyance in his face,and a little laughter,then Zuma replied,"We'll,I guess you could say that,"smirked Zuma,"What?"ask Rocky who developed a small blush on his face,until a purposely caugh was heard,it was made by Chase,then Zuma and Rocky instanly turned scarlet as if they forgot that they weren't the only pups in the room,then they turned the other way facing the opposite direction, the scarlet color still hasn't vanished in their cheek.

"Get a room,you two,"Rubble chuckled with a smirk,but only making the labrador and mix breed more embarass,then Rocky spoke,"Stop that Rubble,his only my bestfriend,"he utter,"Yeah,nothing special,"Continued Zuma,"Ok,ok,sorry,"Rubble apologised sarcastically,everyone laugh at this commotion.Chase,while laughing,was interrupted by a small paw poking his side,"What is it,Skye?"he asked the cockapoo,"Umm,Chase,will you be my partner in the festival?" Skye ask shepperd,as she smile,waiting for a response.

Chase took time to answer,because he wasn't sure if he would say yes,because he already has someone in mind to ask out,but saying no isn't also an option because Skye used her puppy eyes,begging for a yes,then Chase sigh and replied,"Sure,I don't see why not.",he said with a smile showing not to be rude,then Skye sighed in relief,thanking that he had said yes"Thanks Chase,"Chase nod in response,little did they know,there was a certain pup,eavesdropping on them,and listening to them,then he made a long sigh.

'I see that Skye,has already ask him out,asking him is no longer an option,this is what I get for being slow,only Rocky and Zuma got what they wanted,each other.'Marshall melancholy thought to himself knowing that he now has zero chance of entering the festival,until suddenly,Rubble walk closer to Marshall,"Hey,Marshall,?"Rubble asked in a defeated tone,"What is it Rubble,?"Marshall replied in a caring tone,knowing that Rubble is so much younger that him,will not younger than Skye,"Could you be my pair in the festival,because the pup that I wanted to ask already ask someone else,"Rubble stated trying to pull a fake smile,'why is he sad,and who is this pup,Skye?,' Marshall thought to himself ,then he replied,"Sure,Rubble,no problem,",then Rubble smiled at his friend,"Thanks,Marshall,you're the best,"Rubble replied sounding energetic now,"Sure,anything for my friends,"spoke Marshall,as Rubble smiled in response and returned to his pup bowl with his kebble and continued eating, and so does everyone else.

'This is not what I wanted' Rubble,Marshall and Chase all thought in unison,sighing in their mind while eating there kebble.

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