Burning Passion

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             "Chase,can I kiss you?"

Marshall simply lowered his head looking down at his paws,taking a deep breath,"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!!!??!?!",Marshall shouted mentally at himself,regretting what he just done,the pressure gripping Marshall tighter,getting more stressed out,

'Why,isn't he answering?oh,boy,he must think that I'm really weird,asking him for a kiss,A KISS!!!!!'Marshall continued yelling at himself mentally,eyes closed,until he came a realized that Chase wasn't answering,'why is he silence all of a sudden?',  he gently move his head,to the direction on his side,then suddenly he heard a yawn.

'He fell asleep?!' Marshalk could feel all his colors disappeared,relief and dissapointment,we're both felt by the dalmatian,relief that Chase didn't hear his mistake and dissapointment that he didn't hear his true feelings.Chase made another long yawn,"Must have fallen asleep,sorry Marshall,what was it that you said?"he ask,reassuring that Marshall just said something earlier,then Marshall laugh awkwardly,"Oh,nothing Chase,"Marshall said standing in all four,stretching his joints and muscle for minutes of just sitting around,star gazing,"I'm going back Chase,you coming?"Marshalk continued,asking the shepperd if he also wanted to go back,since it was getting late,"Yeah,I'll go with you too,I'm sleepy anyway,"Chase replied,standing up and walked besides Marshall,they took a short cut at the other side of the beach where there aren't any people or any crowd,they we're now on their way back at the lookout,walking at the sandy shore,their paws creating prints on the sand,sinking deep on the wet parts,until someone thought of a silly way to end the night.

Chase slowly slowed his pace down and was falling behind shortly,he went to the water,feeling the shivers of the ocean water at his paws,he then splash some ocean water to the dalmatian,clueless on what's gonna happen next,then SPLASH,the water soaked Marshall's fur,causing him to leap from his position,"What the?"he asked,looking for the cause of the splash,then he saw Chase laughing besides the ocean wave,"Chase,what are you doing?"he asked,curious why Chase suddenly became playful,then Chase grinned,"Just getting a bath before going to bed,you know."Chase joked,the dalmatian tilted his head,until he came to a realization"Oh,I see,is that a challenge,well I accept,"Marshall said determined as he too began to splash some water to the shepperd,then after that both pups began exchanging splashes of water,not showing concern if they both get wet,there action look graceful under the moonlight,laughing,squirting water,they look like playing in a lunar playground.

Until Marshall tackled Chase,pinning him down against the sandy shore,his fur has brushed on the sand floor,sticking some on his own,the waves slide through the side of his body,"I win,"Marshall said laughing along with Chase,knowing that the shepperd that he had pinned down,showing that his the victor of this game,Marshall kept laughing,until he notice Chase wasn't laughing back,he opened his eyes just to be confronted by two coffee brown eyes gazing through his cerulean eyes,the light of the moonlight only shined on their side,showing their side eyes to glisten at the ray of the moon,second by second the two could feel their face getting closer to each other,their eyes hasn't left each others mysterious void that keep them lock together,four inches,three inches,two inches,one inch,their lips almost touch each other,until a vicious wave came crushing on to them,sending them both back to reality,and to the shoreline,they both immediately arised from the water breathing hard,brushing and shaking every bit of water and sand  that stuck in their fur.

'What was that?" Marshall thought to himself,'We're we about to kiss,no that can't be right,Chase wouldn't,' Marshall stopped in his thoughts,trying to analyzed everything that has happened right now.

'I can't believe we almost did that,Marshall wouldn't.......,' Chase thought the exact same thing as he also analyzed the sudden turn of event,then he remembered something,'I think Marshall said something about a kiss at the pier..' he tried hard to remember what was the complete statement Marshall said,but it didn't took long for him to give up,knowing that his sleepiness got in his way of focusing,"Let's go home,Marshall,"he said as he wait for the dalmatian to dry off,"Coming,"Marshall replied as he removed the last bit of sand on his fur,walking back to the path,directed to the Lookout.

Reaching their destination,they both said their goodnights and goodbyes,and headed to their own pup house,noticing that Rubble and Skye,are the only ones asleep,as for Zuma,Rocky and Ryder,who haven't came home yet,they both entered their pup house,followed by a smile on their face,

       'Today's been the best day,I could      ever asked for.' They both thought in unison,as they closed their tired eyes,and resting there exhausted body,the smile still hasn't disappeared  in their cheeks.


Morning has arrived,yet the city of Adventure Bay is still quite as ever,tired from last nights festival,seconds turns into minutes,minutes turn into hours,most of the people haven woken up at around nine in the morning,Mr. Porter finally opened his restaurant,trains are heard at the station,the farmers are doing there daily work,the mayor is out doing some errands,now most of the people in town are lively awake.

Meanwhile,at the lookout,Ryder was woken up by the ringing of his pup pad,stretching his arms and yawning before picking it up,"Hello,Ryder here,"he spoke in a tired voice,he look at his pup pad to notice that it was Mr. Porter,"Ryder,thank goodness,you anwer,"Mr. Porter said,as his tone was in a serious and nervous one,"Why,what's wrong?"Ryder ask,beggining to show concern.

"It's my restaurant Ryder,it's on fire,please hurry Ryder,some people are still inside,!!"Mr. Porter begged,then Ryder nod in response,"We're be there in no time,No fire is to big,no pup is too small,"he said his usual catchphrase,pressing his high tech watch revealing another mini pup pad,"Paw Patrol,it's time for an ultimate rescue,"he yelled at his watch,signaling that they needed to go to the lookout,each pup awoke from their slumber,knowing that this isn't any ordinary rescaue,"Ryder,needs us,"all pups said in unison,running straight to the elevator,but as usual,Marshall clumsiness came in contact with the others,sending them all thumbling and rolling as they enter the elevetor,"Umm,Morning Routine,?"Marshall joked,earning a laugh from everyone,as they went up in the floor where electrical claws put there uniform on.

Reaching the top floor,each of them jump in their position,all wearing a fire fighters style,"Paw Patrol,ready for action sir,"Chase said standing proudly as he examines the uniform their wearing,"Fire pups style,cool,"he continued smiling,"Sorry,to wake you up pups,but theirs an emergency,we don't have time to lose!!"Ryder explained as he press his mini pad to show an animation on the big monitor,"As you know,Mr. Porter's restaurant is on fire,"the pups gasp in surprise,"There are still people inside in that restaurant,in this emergency,time is against us,so I need all paws on deck,Marshall you'll go in you're ultimate fire truck and you'll tell everybody what to do,and Chase I need you to control the panicking,"Ryder finished,not to long everybody spoke,"We're ready for a ruff ruff rescue,"all of them said in unison,"Then paw patrol is on the roll,"Ryder continued as he went to the pole,sliding down to his ATV,as for Marshall who went to the slide first,the logo of their tower,change into his fire pup symbol.

Landing on his fire truck,it immediately descended underneath,the lookout claws are seen everywhere,adding special parts for the mission,making his vehicle bigger and stronger,finally adding the final part,it ascended above the secret base,finally positioning itself below the slide,catching the remaining pups,Rubble and  Zuma are on the left side,while Skye and Rocky is on the right.Driving as fast as they could,the restsurant was now insight,in their eyes the fire seems to be getting bigger by the second,Marshalk know that he is the one that needs the need the team to be in control,since this is his specialty,his ready to sacrifice his life if necessary.

                     "We're here,"

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