meeting a friend

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Composing myself, I left the restroom and went back to the room. I was met with silence. When did this girl leave anyways, after washing my face to look presentable to her so that we can start a fresh with the introduction. Well maybe she was in such a hurry to leave anyways. Signing, went and sat on my bed but there was a note left there. Was written in one word." Witch". I just started laughing. I just know who wrote it anyways. It was my roommate or the friend maybe; I know its them because one, she likes pink, its like everything on her side is pink. I suddenly decided that I am hatting this girl.
I took one of the music book that I had and started reading. What's the point of being bored and yet you have books to read. Hey am not a nerd, but I read most the time. Just I was about to immerse myself in the topic, there was a knock. I placed my book on the table then went and opened the door. There were students rushing around the corridor. Raising my eyebrows without saying a word, I think the student got the message she just smiled at me, " hey am Jane; all form ones and the rest of the students are supposed to meet at the student center " the girl explained herself. " okey can you wait for me, am new here and you can show me around ". " sure, just hurry up." " okey" went back inside took my room key, as I was about to turn, I collided with something. Then poof! We were down. " Ouch! that hurts" Jane shinned, " you are the one who was standing on my way" I stated. " Okey I just came inside to see how your room looks like and its perfect." "Yeah me too I love it" I said standing up. Giving her a hand, we were back on our toes laughing out then decided to ask a question that has been bothering me since I meet Jane.

" aah jane, which form are you?" She shyly answered back. " am in form one" wow! I wish I could be her roommate. " me too, but you look as if you have been in this place like forever."
" yeah I know, but what's the importance of a roommate; mine is over friendly, she showed me around the school; her name is terry and she is in form four and she likes...." She was happily talking about her roommate but decided to drag her with me out the room so that we can go for the meeting before we turn out late.

We entered the student center and found ourselves seats. We sat in the middle after arguing on which seats to take. Jane was after the front seats while I wanted to take the back seat. She likes the front seats so that nothing can pass her or get the first hand information as she says as if seating on the back you can't get first hand information. I was for the back seat well because I just like sitting at the back. But when the teachers decided to greet us with there presence we found ourselves in the middle seats.

The teachers welcomed and congratulated all form ones, informing us their expectations and guiding us on how the school will operate. Student leaders were also giving their speeches, actually I was already tired and even zoomed out in the middle of the speeches but suddenly was alerted with the voice of someone. Then was meet with the eyes of my roommate. She was smiling. " well she does smile" " everybody smiles Ela" Jane pinched me. Jane is a very talkative person as I had observed and playful. " No I mean my roommate ". " you mean that girl is your roommate, she is  beautiful but you are more beautiful than her," she complimented. I just smiled back at her knowing that she just said that to be friendly.

" I am the students president and also coordinator of the music theatrical production " my roommate stated then went and sat down. No wonder she had different blazer from the rest of us and apart from the few whom I saw they sat at the front seats. " Wow! Your roommate is the president of the school and the coordinator of musical performance, we not going to miss any outings dear friend" she admired. She was jumping up and down before she could start dreaming, I shushed her, " before you explored with joy my dear friend, she doesn't like me, she was mean to me earlier, and even placed a note on my bed written a witch on it".

Jane looked at me as if I hadn't understood what I has said to her. " you mean because of the black beddings?" " and drooling face; we met at first when I had just woke up from taking the nap" I concluded to her. Then what she did next was to laugh. I just rolled my eyes at her, who laughs at something like that, she insulted me and she was making it worse by laughing at me. Students surrounding us gave weird faces.

" you can go back to your rooms and mingle with the rest of the students and even tour the school. Starting from tomorrow, lessons will begins, you are all dismissed ".
The meeting was dismissed and everyone went to mind their own business.

Jane invited me to her room, after warning her the chances of her not doing the musical performance so that she can go out was very high. She really didn't care anyways, she said she can dare. She like games and she can even sweet talk her, that was weird anyways.

Jane room was just like ours but theirs had no decorations on the side walls. Her beddings were blue with small white flowers while her roommate her beddings were purple. Her roommate was friendly and even her friends. When we stepped inside the room, terry greater me happily and introduced me and Jane to her friends who created us happily.

We were chatting with them then Jane took the honour to ask them about our student president, I mean my roommate. " hey guys  the students president she is beautiful, what's her name?"
They all laughed then at once they said, " you mean Sandra the bitch; just stay away from her way." Then I was suddenly interested, " what's that supposed to mean?".

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