Just a little bit of hope 😊

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She was just a young teenager, trying to figure out her life. Living with her younger sister, they were fighting the battles of life on their own. Their parents had passed away in a horrible car accident a year ago. With a humbling amount of money in her pockets, the elder sister worked 2 jobs to support all their needs, and be just able to send her little sister to elementary school. In her free time, she used to read books on computer science, hoping that one day, her dream to become an engineer would come true. One day, while she was working her regular 9-5 shift at the local café, an elderly man came up to the register to give his order. 

"Say, you look pretty young to be working, eh?", the man remarked. 

"Well, what can I say sir, you gotta do what you gotta do, am I right?", she replied. 

The man, Mr. Edwards, kept coming back to the same café, each and every day to chat with the girl, because it reminded him of his daughter who had passed away quite young. He did not reveal that he was the trustee of a renowned engineering college, but he sensed how determined- and impeccably smart- the young girl was, and had a very strong desire to help her in some way. To do so, he pulled a few strings and managed to get her a little present. A couple days later, the young girl noticed someone slip a letter under her door. Confused, she picked it up, and saw that it was addressed to her. She was exhilarated when she found out that she had received a full-ride scholarship for college! 

Four years later, she graduated with a degree in Computer Science. The girl never gave up, she kept dreaming, and kept hope. By doing so, she was finally able to bring about a happy ending for herself and her dear sister. Dare to dream. If you believe in them, miracles do happen. 

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