Chapter 8

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•Niall's POV•

I woke up around 9:30 to Louis and Liam jumping on my bed and smashing their pillows in my face. After struggling to break free from the attacks, I sat straight up,
"Okay, Okay you win. I'm up." (A/n: "it's time to get up!") They high fived in victory. "But you have to make me breakfast."
"Ya know, there's always a catch with you." Louis skeptically answered, waving his pointer finger around.
"Fine. But you need to get ready we're leaving for the studio soon." Liam explained, while pushing the slightly irritated Louis out of my room.

* * * *

In the van, I began tapping the arm rest while humming the tune to our new song Act My Age (which I'm recording today) (also one of my favorite songs from FOUR). But to my surprise..Ring ring! I quickly answered my phone as a smile crept onto my face.
"Hey Savannah! What's up?" I asked.
"Well I wanted to thank you again for last night.....I had a lot of fun and I can't wait til next time."
"Yeah! Me too. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come to the studio today to sing for us and our producer?-"
All the boys attention turned to me, awaiting her response. I put it on speaker.
"And if you're nervous-"
"Niall, that's really sweet of you. Really it is. But I'm pretty tuckered out and just wanna chill with the girls today maybe run a few errands. But you and the boys will hear me sing."
"Don't worry. That's totally okay. You promise?"
She laughed (ahh I love her cute laugh) then she responded, "I promise."
"Good!" Harry shouted.
"Now we can hold you accountable." Zayn piped. Then the boys began to cheer in their excitement. I could hear her feeling embarrassed so I switched it back.
"It's just me now. Sorry about that, they just want to hear you sing." I apologized.
"You're fine. But I'm probably no good and it's a little stressful having One Direction, breathing down my neck."
   "Hey, we don't want you to feel pressured. We're just excited..take as long as you need." But before we leave.
   "Yeah. Don't worry I won't wait that long." She replied.
Dang it. I was saying my thoughts out loud again. I said goodbye and hung up.
The boys all smirked at me. I gave them a questioning look.
"You must really like this girl." Louis said. I blushed and nodded. "Awwww! Our little Irish leprechaun has got a crush!!" They all "awwww"ed until I asked them to stop.
   "Hey look! We're here. C'mon lads." I encouraged, trying to hide my embarrassment. I really do like her and I'm excited to see her soon.

*     *     *     *

   We had been recording since 10:30am and now it's 3pm. I begging our producer to give us a break for food. For a change of pace, we decided to grab some fast food. I suggested Nandos, but the boys quickly vetoed that option, to my dismay. Zayn ended up persuading us to go to KFC.
   "Hey Niall, would you and Savannah want to come tonight for pizza with me and Nicole?"
   "Hey I'm always down for food." I responded.
   I turned my phone off vibrate, to the panic of 6 missed calls and 3 messages from Savannah. 5 calls didn't have voicemails. I decided to listen to the one.
   Hey Niall!'s Savannah by the way. (She chuckled which made me smile) me when you can. I'm sure you're recording right now. Sorry to bother you, I won't any more. Bye.
   Then I decided to check my messages.
   Hey Niall! What are you up to today?

   Oh my gosh! I'm a terrible human being!! 😥 You're probably recording. Sorry!!!

   Sorry last one...I hope. Just call me when your not busy

   With excitement, I quickly dialed her number. She picked up after the 5th ring.
   "Hey Niall! Sorry it took me so long. I was curling my hair and it took me forever to get the kitchen."

   "Did you fall?" I held back a laugh. She sighed, confirming my hypothesis. "So..what did you want to talk to me about?"

   "Right! Yeah. So my parents and brother are coming down this weekend to see us and we're all have dinner and I was wondering if you...and the boys. If that would make you more comfortable...would like to come?" She sounded so nervous. But this would be perfect for me!
"Savvi, I'd love to meet your family! And I'm sure the boys would too."

   "Great! Okay so it's Friday night..Umm at 5:30? No! 6. Is that okay?"

"Couldn't be more perfect. Bye love."

"Bye Niall."

   "Woah! You're popular!" Louis exclaimed (it's just too easy 😂). "Was that Savannah?"  I nodded. "Another date?" He asked leaning in closer.
   "Actually, she invited all of us to Callie's for dinner Friday. Her family is coming and she wants us to meet them." The guys high fived. "Please don't embarrass me." I begged. But we all laughed know that that was impossible.

Summer Love: A Niall Horan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now